Overview Objectives Response time Assessment Intervention Communication Challenges
PHTC Objectives Minimal response time Systematic assessment Interventions as per protocol Proper documentation Appropriate referral Timely handing over
Response Time The GOLDEN HOUR is our target Ambulance’s response is affected by;- Public education Communication Infrastructure Capacity and Road users/Police
Immediate Intervention Danger, scene size up, triage, BSI 1.Primary survey Airway & cervical immobilization Breathing Circulation Disability- AVPU Exposure- expose and observe
Secondary survey Full set of vital signs Give comfort measures (pain control) – Morphine – Diclofenac History taking (on transit) Inspection- head to toe exam
Trauma Equipment Cervical collars Head blocks + straps KED Sager splint Scoop stretcher Spinal board
ACLS Equipment AED Mechanical ventilator Portable O2 cylinder Cardiac Monitor Laryngoscope set
Communication 24/7 Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) VHF HF Mobile phones Receiving Health Facilities Diagnosis, no. of casualties and ETA
Trauma Data MONTHNO. CASES TO KNH October November December January February March TOTAL261
Referral 1.Documentation - Patient care report 1.Handing over - Patient received by Dr./Nurse 1.Debriefing -within 24hrs
Challenges Public awareness on EMS- Emergency numbers Poor infrastructure leading to delays in response The ‘’Kenyan Good Samaritan’’ Lack of extrication devices Inadequately trained Pre-Hospital Care personnel Lack of trauma center in Kenya