600 years of WORLD HISTORY Keep a timeline. Each slide will ask for different notes on the event.
Columbus – 1492 Columbus accidentally discovers the Americas. Colonization of the Americas begins. The Aztec and Inca empires soon fall to Spanish Conquistadors. For this date, draw a picture showing what happened from 1492 onward.
De las Casas – 1542 The Spanish and other European nations have destroyed the natives and their culture. A slave trade has begun. Permanent colonies have been established. For this date, write a central idea for the information below.
Jamestown – 1607 Britain establishes its first of many colonies France follows shortly thereafter They compete with Spain and Portugal in the Americas For this date, explain why so many countries were establishing colonies.
The Seven Years’ War – Draw a picture showing that Britain and France became the most dominant powers, over Spain and others.
American Independence – 1776 The U.S. revolts from British rule Britain and France shift focus to Africa and Asia Slave trade continues Turn and Talk: What do you know about the American Revolution? Draw triangle maps of the continents with arrows pointing away from North America, towards Africa and Asia.
First Opium War – 1839 Britain defeats the Qing Dynasty in China, gaining significant political control there France gains control in much of South-east Asia soon after The British gain control in much of India Turn and Talk: Why would Britain and France be interested in Asia? Write the bolded points below.
The Berlin Conference European powers agreed on the following rules of colonization: 1.Creating settlements. 2.Notifying other European states of the occupation and claim. 3.Showing that the European power could control the area.
The Berlin Conference Results of the Conference ◦ In 1850 most of Africa had been free. ◦ By 1914 only Liberia and Ethiopia were free of European control. Turn and Talk: What might be one effect of colonization?
Result of Colonization Europeans developed cash-crop plantations ◦ Peanuts ◦ Palm oil ◦ Cocoa ◦ Rubber Turn and Talk: If they grow these crops, what happens to their own food crops? They began mining on a large scale. ◦ Africa contains rich mineral resources ◦ The Belgian Congo ◦ Tin ◦ Copper ◦ South Africa ◦ Gold ◦ Diamonds
World Wars I and II – Japan challenges European power in China and the Pacific. Europe fights within itself European colonial power breaks down American dominance begins Draw a picture that shows the shift to American dominance.
Exit Ticket Make a prediction: What will happen in Africa after 1945? What evidence from your timeline supports this? Write this on the back of your timeline.