COR3316: Implementation of UNC Modification 0451AV UK Link Committee – May 2014
COR3316 Overview [Modification 451AV has argued] that the Prepayment Profile [is different] from the standard domestic credit meter (EUC01) customer. [the illustrative profile developed during the Development Workgroup suggested that] during the winter period there is an over allocation of gas usage and during the summer period an under allocation of gas usage. Xoserve is developing a solution to calculate a monthly reconciliation charge [which will invoice the difference between the EUC01 and the alternative profile]. Modification 451AV will end at UK Link Programme implementation when individual meter point reconciliation will start.
COR3316 Overview The meter points that will be subject to the reconciliation will be: –Pre-Payment meters Users need take no action these will be subject to reconciliation based upon an extract from UK Link –Smart meters operating in Pre-Payment mode Users need to provide an extract of their Smart Metering portfolio operating in Pre-Payment Mode. UK Link must also hold these as Smart Meters. UK Link Committee has approved the input format for this file
Reconciliation Invoicing The Prepayment Meters Supporting Information will be issued via the I’X against the.ADB invoice type issued via the.ADH invoice. The Supporting information will be issued in a new file format for prepayment meters.PPM. The new.PPM format will have 5 new record types: –P22 –P23 –P24 –P25 –P26 The Prepayment Meters will utilise existing charge types: –ZRE –GRE –NRE
User Pays Charges The Supporting information for User Pays will be sent via the IX against the existing.ADW invoice type issued via the Adhoc (.ADH) invoice. The supporting information file sent will utilise an existing file.USP, but will require a new record type R21. There will be 2 new charge types created for.USP supporting information they are: –W19 - PPM ADJ ONGOING CHARGE CR –W20 - PPM ADJ ONGOING CHARGE DR
Implementation Implementation Date has yet to be defined File formats are provided to UK Link Committee in advance of establishing the Implementation Date to provide as much notice as possible UK Link Committee are asked to note: –This might not allow 6 months notice UK Link Committee are reminded of the December 2011 presentation regarding notice periods –This is likely to be implemented outside of a UK Link Release UNC Modification 486 – Prepayment Profile for iGT Sites – Economies of scale assumed. This may impact delivery timescales.