2 TRANSNET PAGE TNPA Protocol for receiving odour complaints 1.Complainant is to call: - TNPA Port Control ( and ) and / or - TNPA Fire Services ( ) - Ethekweni Air Emissions Department ( / ) - Vopak ( ) 2. TNPA will: – TNPA Fire Services will respond and inform TNPA Port Control of receipt of complaint. – TNPA Fire Services will notify Metro Fire of response and place the Hazmat Team on Standby. – TNPA Port Control will notify the TNPA Management Team informing them of the details. – TNPA Port Control will call out Ethekweni Air Emissions Department 3.TNPA will feedback: – Responding TNPA Fire Officer will provide verbal feedback to the TPT Risk Official on Duty – TNPA Senior Operations Manager: Container will provide feedback in writing to Terminal Manager: Containers. – TNPA SHE Manager will provide written feedback to TNPA Head Office.
3 TRANSNET PAGE TNPA Air Quality Monitoring 1.TNPA has 3 Air Quality Monitoring Stations in the Port of Durban. 2.TNPA procured 24 hour fence-line monitoring was done for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) over a two week period (July 2013). The results indicated below legal detectable limits. 3.TNPA has an Emergency Purchase Request in progress for specialized forensic chemical signature monitoring due to commence on 7 th October TNPA and the City have met on 3 occasions. The City is busy with investigations for nuisance complaints.
4 TRANSNET PAGE TNPA Fire and Emergency Response 1.Roving patrols are conducted every 2 hours to detect any odours 2.TNPA Fire are treating the odour complaints as a priority. 3.On receipt of the call the responding officers are dispatched to the location of the complaint and the area of concern. 4.The investigations are done on the Island View Petro-chemical Complex and the Chemical Berths ie to locate any loading operations, etc. 5.The City Fire and Hazmat Team are notified.
5 TRANSNET PAGE TNPA Engagement with key stakeholders and TPT 1.28 May 2013: Meeting held with with Legal and Compliance Manager and Environment Manager to discuss timeframe to resolve issues arising from complaints June 2013: TNPA facilitated meeting between key stakeholder and TPT September 2013: A site visit was conducted at key stakeholder with TPT (Labour and Management), Ethekwini Municipality (Air Quality Division) and TNPA (Environment and Operations) to examine loading operations and new handling methods. An action plan has been devised and a key stakeholder have given commitment regarding the improved handling of the chemicals. 4.Cargo owners of highly aromatic products have been engaged for assistance. 5.Key stakeholders have been requested to furnish certain data.
6 TRANSNET PAGE Legislative and licensing framework 1. TNPA is exercising oversight role in terms of the National Ports Act and is monitoring the terminal operator licences for compliance thereof.