UNSD-SPC-ADB-UN Regional Workshop on Gender Statistics and Human Rights Reporting 4 – 8 August 2014, Nadi, Fiji Gender Statistics on Work in PICTs Kim Robertson Gender Statistics Advisor (nearly), Human Development Programme Secretariat of the Pacific Community Noumea, New Caledonia (
Data Sources Household Labour Force Survey (Fiji, Tonga, RMI) Census of Population and Housing Household Income and Expenditure Survey DHS Business surveys Superannuation funds Taxation data Labour Immigration
Challenges Concept of “work” or “main activity” Is subsistence work or survival? No Time Use survey programme Very limited data on unpaid work Use of classifications at the most detailed level Accurate data on wages and earnings, hours worked Part time employment and secondary employment Enterprises operated by the household Intermittent work – work for school fees Migrant labour Getting access to the data No regional standard – difficult to compare rates, indicators