Master in Astrophysics, Particle Physics, and Cosmology Academic year Fall semester Mon, Tue, Wed, 16:10 – 17:30, room N07P Stellar Structure and Formation Presentation
Stellar Structure and Formation Robert Estalella, Rosario López (professors of the DAM) with the collaboration of Paolo Padoan (researcher of the ICCUB) and Invited Lectures by researchers of the ICE (CSIC-IEEC)
Tentative schedule
Work required to the students: Class attendance Small exercises at home Particular subjects to be presented in in the classroom 20% of the final mark Final exam, consisting in questions on physical concepts, with a short answer 80% of the final mark
1. Introduction (RE) - The Milky Way galaxy. - The interstellar medium. 2. Components of the interstellar medium (RE) - Interstellar dust Composition, physical properties. Extinction, reddening, polarization. Thermal emission, mass estimation. - Atomic, ionized, and molecular gas Spectral line emission. Free-free emission and recombination lines of HII, physical parameters from HII. Chemistry of the molecular gas, formation of molecules. Molecular lines, physical parameters from molecular lines observations. 3. Star forming regions (RE) - Molecular clouds Morphology, filaments, dense cores. Sites of star formation, examples of TMC, Orion. - Energy balance in molecular clouds Virial theorem. Turbulence, magnetic field. Magnetically supported cores, magnetic critical mass.... Program (1)
Star formation (RE) - Fragmentation and collapse Larson's collapse, homogeneous sphere. Shu's model, isothermal singular sphere (ISS). Bonnor-Ebert sphere. - Observation of collapsing cores - High-mass star formation The problem of high-mass star formation. Collapse characteristic time, Kelvin-Helmholtz core evolutio time. Current models: coalescence, competitive accretion, anisotropical accretion. 5. Low-mass young stellar objects (RE) - Classification Spectral energy distribution. Class 0, I, II, III objects. - Interaction with the environment bipolar outflows. Herbig-Haro objects. jets. 6. Numerical simulations of star formation (PP)... Program (2)
PMS Stars (RL) - PMS evolution Hayashi track. ZAMS, birth line. - Accretion processes T Tauri stars, CTTS, WTTS. P Cygni profile, infall and outflow. accretion disks, disk emission, accretion, shock emission. 8. Jets in YSOs (RL) - Jets and HH objects stellar jets, morphology, origin. optical IR submm observations. HH objects, relatioship with jets, unified model. - Diagnosis tools Long-slit observations. Tangential velocity, proper motions. Nature of the jet powering source. Differences in physical conditions through the jet. - Jet launch and collimation Stellar-wind model, X-wind model. Jet structure, shock models in HH. - Jets in the NIR H2 line emission, IR diagnostic. Physical conditions. Program (and 3)
Magnetic field in the formation of stars (Josep M. Girart, ICE-CSIC) High-mass star formation (Aina Palau, ICE-CSIC) Star formation in cluster mode vs. in isolation (Aina Palau, ICE-CSIC) Water maser emission tracing star formation (José M. Torrelles, ICE-CSIC) Herschel: the IR view of star formation (Gemma Busquet, IFSI-INAF) Invited Lectures (to be confirmed)