CoA Website Committee April 15, 2011
President’s Report I met with the President about final budget and long term staffing plan for web. The amount has been approved but further research is required to narrow down the line item and whether it has been drawn down. The Pres. is proposing a new structure for IT that would include a new peripheral position that combines communications with webmaster duties. She is working on it for next year. I’m in communication with Merritt, we should have a copy of the most recent version of the site soon.
Hiring a Drupal Designer/Developer Need three quotes. Final choice will fall to the interview sub- committee members: Jane McKenna, Bala Sampathraj and Kelly Pernell.
Department Chair Feedback on Drop Down Menu Items Only two Chairs replied to the message sent to Dept. Chairs asking for feedback on main page drop down menus. See handout with copies of those to responses.
Draft: Scope of Project Review the Scope document Recommend?
Counselors and Student Services Feedback on Drop Downs Due to design concerns regarding much duplication in recommended drop downs (leading to crowding of menus and poor info. architecture) and too lengthy of drop down lists (bottom items drop off smaller screens), the student services rep was asked to consult with her areas to see if additional options could be generated from counselors and student services to resolve these concerns. The sharing of these options is postponed until the next meeting.
Next Steps Hire developer – request three bids and interview. Further refine drop down menu Pull together a more detailed wish list for specific content types. Solicit volunteers to work on this with the Chair.