Six Functions Security and Shelter Social Contact Symbolic Identification Task Instrumentality PleasureGrowth
Split up into psychical and psychological security; physical addresses students bodily safety whereas psychological addresses the students mental well being. Physical Know the schools security procedures Be aware and post for a substitute any food allergies Be aware of the products you purchase for toxicity Provide wide walk ways for those with special needs who need the extra space Psychological Have a cozy corner Have plants Use large rugs and bean bag chairs as a way to give the students a place to relax
The way the classroom is arranged to foster social interactions of the students and the teachers.
How the classroom represents the students residing in it; what does the classroom says about the students.
The way in which the classroom environment allows us to accomplish our daily tasks utilizing the most classroom instruction time.
The “environmental attractiveness” and comfort of the classroom to the students and the teacher.
The way in which the classroom will accommodate learning growth and any other modifications a student could need throughout the year.
Weinstein, C. E & Romano, M.E. (2015). Elementary Classroom Management: Lessons form Research and Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.