Description of the courses Vocational Bachelor’s Degree International Tourism International Responsible of Structures of Leisure, Welcoming and Travel
Geopolitics and Geostrategy Oral Course (OC) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 10 weeks Taught through english This course proposes a geopolitical analysis of the evolution of the relationship with the centre and between the various continents before approaching the current topics of the reawakening of the local identities, terrorism and the new power struggles between states as well as their consequences on the opening of the geographical spaces and tourism.
Oral Course (OC) Coefficient : 1 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 10 weeks Taught through french What is Europe ? The students will be able to answer it and better know the successive stories of Europe, from the Middle Ages to colonialism, while also passing by the Rebirth or the Age of Enlightenment. History of the European continent
Oral Course (OC) Coefficient : 1 per course Weekly duration: 2 hours for 5 weeks per course Taught through french This course will allow the students to better understand the richness of the inheritance and the diversity of these cultures. History and Culture of Asia of Africa of Latin America of the Caribbean
Oral Course (OC) Coefficient : 1 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 5 weeks Taught through english This course will make it possible to the students to better understand the richness of the inheritance and the diversity of the cultures specific to the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia as well. History and Culture of the English-speaking world
Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 10 weeks Taught in english, german, spanish, italian The students will be able to adapt to the various situations of the professional life, to present a project, to argue to convince. Negotiate in English German Spanish Italian
English of Tourism German Spanish Italian Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 10 weeks Taught in english, german, spanish, italian The student will be able to acquire the specific language of tourism. He will have to be able to organize tours for various kind of groups, then to orally present them in front of the class.
Communication in English German Spanish Italian Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1 Weekly duration: 1.5 hours for 10 weeks Taught in spanish The student will be able to control the written communication of the language concerned: letters, CVs, fax, , reports, descriptions of trips. The Projects of communication around topics established by using the modern supports of communication (video projectors and PowerPoint presentation) make an integral part of this course as well.
Tourism and Territory Oral Courses (DW and OC) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 1.5 hours for 5 weeks (Topography: 5 weeks - Social tourism: 5 weeks) Taught in french Topography (DW): Practical theory and exercises allowing to acquire knowledge necessary for the reading and the use of a map in order to build a route by including various constraints (ground, means of transport, time…) Social Tourism (OC): The importance of social tourism for the structuring of the territories
Multimedia : CD-Rom Design Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french This course is composed of directed work which aim to create and manage a CD-ROM, in order to replace the paper booklets and to offer to the interlocutors, an interactive support of fixing of the prices in the tourist sector.
Strategy of Communication Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1 Weekly duration: 1.5 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french This course has for goal to study the external and internal communication: understanding the stakes through case studies, simulations and oral presentations.
Management and Business Tourism Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french The course will approach the various types of operations in business and event-driven tourism, the main actors of business tourism, the market trends, the choice of the partners, the briefing, the locations, before and after tour, the price and the margins…
Legal Environment of Tourism Oral Course (OC) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 2 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french Presentation and analyzes of the legal framework of tourism implying the various actors of this economic branch (producer and consumer). This course will allow the future professional to better apprehend his functions.
Strategy Internet Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 1.5 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french Presentation and analyzes of the Internet as an information support, of communication and distribution; the emergence of the Web 2.0, the implementation of the Yield Management.
Business Creation & E-Business Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 1.5 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french Global view of the architecture and the operation of a company, study of the use of an electronic support for the commercial relationship, to allow the future professional to better apprehend his functions.
Economy and International Stakes of tourism Oral Course (OC) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 1.5 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french Representation of the die of tourism, of the actors, stakes and future. Analyze of the country risks, the consequences of globalization…
Management of Tourist Organizations Directed Work (DW) Coefficient : 1.5 Weekly duration: 1.5 hours for 10 weeks Taught in french Presentation and analyze of the information and management system of the tourist organizations, the stakes of management, the financial accountancy, the financial analysis…