KU076 University Fundamentals Mike Bowe (Math Teacher): Seminars: Wednesdays 8:00 – 9:00PM
KU076 First Seminar Agenda Course Home Page Navigation Initial Assessments Progress Reports Other Classes’ Results Course Topics
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We want to finish each of the three Path Builders, plus the Study Skills Learning Path, by next Tuesday (the end of Week 1)!
Course Topics There are a total of 55 Topics to complete in this course. You might “test-out” of some of them upon finishing the initial assessments. Reading: 8 Topics to complete Writing: 11 Topics to complete Math: 31 Topics to complete (Math has four Modules: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, and Ratio-Proportion-Percent) Study Skills: 5 Topics to complete
Initial Assessments The initial assessments are very important; the rest of the course will be defined by them. If you are not confident about a topic on which you are being tested, you want to get it wrong! Otherwise, you won’t be assigned to learn it. I am sorry that you have to do all this testing. And, it is not easy material: we need to probe and learn what you do not know; so it might feel discouraging. For example, my gut feel is that about over half the test takers get no Math topics completed at all from the tests! This course is great for those people that are allowing themselves that last opportunity to learn the fundamentals you’ll need in college, in your career, and just day-to-day life.
A recent semester’s results: Passing students, and those that, well, didn’t. As you might see, it did NOT matter how well the students started out. Several who passed did not start well, but they persevered. Those folks are the ones that gained the most confidence in the material, also.
Four Opportunities to “Test-Out” of Topics for each Subject Initial Assessment (“Path Builder”) Second attempt at each Path Builder Skills Check for each of the six Modules Second attempt of each Skills Check
After you finish all three of the Path Builders, you can re-take each another time if you are not happy with the initial results.
These three horizontal rectangles are actually bar-graphs, and will show your progress over time as you complete Topics.
After completing each “Path Builder”, you start on your “Learning Paths”.
After clicking on the Learning Path (or the Path Builder): Clicking on these boxes show detailed results of each subject’s Modules.
Topic List for each subject. Lesson Activities for each Topics. Skills Checks (2) more chances to Test-Out of each subject!
Weekly Progress Report: Produced each Wednesday, and uploaded into the Gradebook.
Weekly Progress Report: Click on your most recent (bottom-most) grade value and from the new pop-up window, click the document icon at the bottom
First steps forward: Week 1 Graded Goal: Complete the Path Builders for each of the three subjects (do not re-take any yet): Reading, Writing, and Math Complete the Learning Path for Study Skills (completing its five topics) (After the first Path Builders have been completed, we will take a look at the results. I will suggest a next step forward for each subject (based on you working the least to achieve the most). Generally speaking, if the initial Path Builder score is between 30% and 70%, you should carefully review and then retake the Path Builder.)
Next steps forward: Typically (depending on initial results), the following might be your next steps: Concentrate on one of the three subjects at a time: Review the initial Path Builder (try to understand the incorrect and correct answers you’d done); Re-take that Path Builder when ready. Then, for that same subject, take the Skills Check (Math has one for each of its four modules); then Review those results carefully, understanding the incorrect and correct; then Re- Take that Skills Check. Repeat for each of the Path Builders and Skills Checks. Math Note: I am planning a weekly seminar on each of the four Math Modules: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Ratios