For the U.S. to have new markets More resources
Wanted to build the navy because that is how we ship goods
That we can trade in China
Roosevelt stated that the U.S. was like the “policeman” of the western hemisphere and we are going to protect smaller/weaker countries in this hemisphere The U.S. will deal with Latin American issues “Big Stick”
Europe must stay out of western hemisphere
Hawaii- fruit, sugar, Pearl Harbor base Alaska- Gold, fur, timber, oil Japan- want a base there to dock our ships
Reduced travel time to get from U.S. to Asia. Canal built through Panama so ships would not have to go all the way around South America.
U.S. has economic interests in Cuba U.S. won and got control over Cuba Called “Splendid Little War” because we get control of Cuba, Guam, Phillipines, Puerto Rico
Exaggerated and sometimes untruthful stories about events Journalists did this during the spanish- American war to convince Americans that we needed to go to war with Spain over Cuba Hearst and Pulitzer were two famous yellow- journalists U.S.S. Maine blew up and yellow-journalists made it seem as though Spain blew it up Actually exploded on its own
Neutrality George Washington’s Farewell Address- told not to get involved in foreign affairs and to stay away from political parties
Our rights as a neutral nation have been violated Freedom of seas has been taken away
We begin making weapons, ammunition, etc. for the War effort Women’s skirts changed to use more material for the war Reduced amount of steel in women’s corsets because it was being used for the war effort
More jobs and leave reconstruction disaster behind them
Personal freedoms are not absolute and rights are limited Created “a clear and present danger for the nation” when Schenk told people not to show up for the draft
To prevent future wars
No! They reject it.