Question Answer Earth and Space Science Stars & Galaxies Our SunSolar System Earth’s Revolution Sun-Earth-Moon Final Jeopardy
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Question Answer A-100 Question: Our milky way is classified as this type of galaxy? Answer: Spiral.
Question Answer A-200 Question: The theory that states the universe began as a dense, hot, super massive ball is called…? Answer: the big bang theory.
Question Answer A-300 Question: Stars are classified according to which most important characteristics? Answer: Temperature and Brightness.
Question AnswerA-400 Question: According to this diagram, which star is the coolest? Answer: Betelgeuse.
Question Answer A-500 Question: How do scientists know that the universe is expanding? Answer: The red shift of distant galaxies.
Question Answer QUESTION: Our sun is made mostly these two elements? ANSWER: Hydrogen and Helium. B-100
Question Answer B-200 QUESTION: The process that powers our sun occurs by atoms fusing together. This process is called…? ANSWER: Nuclear fusion.
Question Answer B-300 QUESTION: According to this figure, what part of the sun is letter “C”? ANSWER: Prominences.
Question Answer B-400 QUESTION: Our sun makes up what percentage of the total mass of the solar system? ANSWER: 99.86%
Question Answer B-500 QUESTION: Which stage will our sun go through next as it’s fuel begins to burn out? ANSWER: Red Giant Stage.
Question Answer C-100 Question: The four planets closest to the sun are classified as what type? Answer: Terrestrial or Rocky.
Question Answer C-200 Question: How does a planet’s distance from the sun affect it’s temperature? Answer: The farther a planet is, the cooler it is.
Question Answer C-300 QUESTION: Most asteroids lie between the orbits of which two planets? ANSWER: Mars and Jupiter.
Question Answer C-400 Question: Describe 3 notable characteristics of the Jovian planets. Answer: Larger, made of gas, thick atmospheres, more moons, less dense than rocky planets, cooler temperatures, longer orbits.
Question Answer C-500 Question: Why is Pluto no longer considered a true planet? Answer: Because of its size, it is not able to clear it’s orbital path.
Question AnswerD-100 Question: The period of time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun is called…? Answer: A revolution, or a year, or days.
Question Answer D-200 Question: This first day of spring is also known as this day in the Earth’s orbit? Answer: Spring/Vernal Equinox.
Question Answer D-300 Question: What feature of Earth is responsible for the differences of temperature during the seasons? Answer: Its tilted axis.
Question AnswerD-400 Question: During which season does the north pole experience 24 hours of daylight? Answer: Summer.
Question AnswerD-500 QUESTION: During this period in Earth’s revolution, when the Earth closest to the sun, what is the season? ANSWER: Perihelion, winter.
Question Answer E-100 Question: What is the darkest part of the shadow caused by an eclipse called? Answer: The umbra.
Question Answer E-200 Question: What causes the phases of the moon? Answer: The amount of sunlight that reflects off of the moon as it orbits Earth.
Question AnswerE-300 QUESTION: Which phase of the moon is represented by number 1? ANSWER: New moon.
Question Answer E-400 QUESTION: Explain how a solar eclipse is created? ANSWER: The orbital path of the moon blocks the suns rays casting a shadow upon the earth.
Question Answer E-500 QUESTION: A lunar eclipse can only occur during which phase of the moon? ANSWER: The full moon.
Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: Which factors helped in the formation of the planets in our solar system? ANSWER: accretion (solid materials colliding together), temperature, and gravity.