Extending the Bill of Rights
Civil War Amendments 13 th Amendment (1865) Abolished slavery
Civil War Amendments 14 th Amendment (1868) Defines US citizens Guarantees equal protection of the laws
Civil War Amendments 15 th Amendment (1870) Suffrage to all menRoadblocks Black Codes & Jim Crow laws: - Poll taxes, literacy tests, property requirements, Grandfather clause
Voting Rights and Elections 17 th Amendment (1913) Direct election of senators
Voting Rights and Elections 19 th Amendment (1920) Women suffrage
Voting Rights and Elections 23 rd Amendment (1961) Right to vote to residents of Washington, DC
Voting Rights and Elections 24 th Amendment (1964) Abolishes poll taxes
Voting Rights and Elections 26 th Amendment (1971) Lowers voting age from 21 to 18