World War II German Terminology
German Terminology Nazi Nationalsozialistiche Deutscher Arbeiter Partei. “National Socialist German Workers Party.”
German Terminology Luftwaffe “Air Weapon” German Air Force Messerschmitt BF-109
German Terminology Gestapo Geheime Staatspolizei “Secret State Police.” Plain- clothes officers who looked for enemies of the state or anyone who spoke out against government. Headed by Heinrich Himmler.
German Terminology Reichstag “Kingdom Day” or “Day in Front of the King” German Parliament
German Terminology SA Sturmabteilung “Storm Troopers/Division” Thugs, bar-brawlers, hired muscle that helped put Hitler in charge. Called “Brownshirts.” Headed by Ernst Roehm.
German Terminology SS Schutzstaffel “Protection Staff.” Took the place of SA. Bodyguards. Best of the best. Elite soldiers headed by Heinrich Himmler.
German Terminology Einsatzgruppen “Task Force” Combination of Gestapo & SS. Sent out to find & collect Jewish population.
German Terminology Hakenkreuz “Hooked Cross” Swastika Borrowed from various ancient cultures: Troy, Egypt, China, India (Hindu).
German Terminology Has represented all of the following: Fertility Good luck Productivity The Sun Eternity