Photo Imaging * Circle High School Ms. Whiteside.


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Presentation transcript:

Photo Imaging * Circle High School Ms. Whiteside

 Jeff Hinds Sports Photography Slideshow  NnM NnM  Best High School Sports Photos  g6pY g6pY

 Sports mode is usually indicated by the funning figure on the dial of compact cameras.  It is good for freezing action, perfect for photographing a subject in motion.

 It can actually be used to shoot ANY subject in motion, from kids running in the backyard to waves crashing on the ocean or a kitten chasing a toy.  This mode tells the camera: use a fast shutter speed, shoot quickly.  Some cameras have “continuous mode” so you can shoot one picture after another very quickly in a series.  w-UM w-UM

 It's more difficult for the camera to track moving targets as they get closer. This is because the focus system has to work harder and faster to change the focus as targets approach.  No problem, just know this and wait till subjects are further away if you have to.

 It works best in bright conditions.  Brainstorm in your notes 5 pictures that you could shoot movement or sports in bright conditions. You have five minutes!  Be prepared to share out.

 Water fountains  Siblings at play  Circle sports practice  Friends dancing  Cars on the highway  Someone riding a horse  Someone jumping on a bed or trampoline  Gym class

 Take note of where the sun is and make sure the sun is to your back when shooting. This will ensure you have your shutter speed on it’s maximum without having to worry about exposing for the faces of the players if you were shooting into the sun.

 The closer you are to someone, the better you can see them. Sports are no different. You have to get as close to what you are shooting as you can.  Typically, for a photographer with a press pass, you can get to the sidelines or other similar locations.  You also have to be familiar with the sport to be able to capture the moment. This means knowing where to position yourself for the best action.

 Get the dramatic moments.  For instance, in basketball, you will have opportunities to photograph layups, jump shots, free throws, etc. Understanding the timing of these predictable actions allows you to capture the peak moment, when the action is most dramatic.

 Think about the shape of humans. They are taller than they are wide.  To fill the frame with a person playing a sport, they fit the frame better while holding the camera vertically.

 sports-photo-tips/ (7:52) sports-photo-tips/  “All I want to do is get a good image.”

 Bob Martin  html html  Jeff Farsai  p#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=0&a=0&at=0 p#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=0&a=0&at=0 Best Sports Photography -of-sports-photos- 2011_n_ html#s520257&title=Best_of_S ports

 Sports Illustrated  (go to and click on the “photo” white tab or try…  =sinav =sinav  ESPN Photos  Stockton Photo, Inc.  Olympics Photos  

 m m  