Mendeley a free reference manager and academic social network… Assists - cataloguing and managing your academic papers and articles Shares - academic and scientific knowledge with selected colleagues Discovers - academic knowledge and allows detailed search of academic papers Put - in touch with like-minded people and facilitate research projects
Why we are using it… DetailsDescription CostFree up to… 1 GB Web space 5 Private groups 10 Users Desktop and website applicationSyncs desktop and website application Automatic citation extraction from PDFs Just drag & drop PDFs into Mendeley Desktop Mendeley detects subject keywords within your PDFs Cross-checks your research paper collection against external databases like CrossRef, PubMed, arXiv, or Google Scholar, using DOIs and other unique identifiers Share ReferencesReferences can be shared with others by creating a Public or Shared (restricted) collection Support for hand-held devicesiPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Direct import/exportDifferent databases Citation styles About 1200 styles More coming Working on creating our own styles DOIPulls all the citation details Duplicate record detectionDetects duplicate records PDF markup/annotationAnnotate and write notes in PDF documents Cite/create bibliographiesGenerate citations and bibliographies in Word, OpenOffice, Google Docs, LaTeX, and any other text editor Import from & sync with other reference managersImports your existing BibTex, RIS, and EndNote libraries Citation style clipboardhttp:// BrowsersWorks with Firefox and IE Social networkingExcellent Sharing and collaboration featuresExcellent
Syncs Desktop & Web Desktop – a free academic software to manage, share, read, annotate and cite your research papers Web - a research network to manage your papers online, discover research trends and statistics, and to connect to like-minded researchers
Set up and manage your collections Filter your papers by authors, keywords, tags, or publications Library showing all your documents (citation or table view)
Creating Library- Adding papers You have different options to set up your library: Add single files or an entire folder Add existing EndNote/BibTeX/RIS databases, or… “Watch a folder” to automatically import PDF files …drag & drop PDF files into the library pane… … and Mendeley will try to extract the document details automatically Add tags & notes and edit document details
Supported Sites for Importing Documents
Synchronize and manage your library online Synchronize your library You can also add references and edit & manage your library online
Full text search in Mendeley’s PDF viewer
Annotate and highlight
Cite & Create bibliographies in Word “Send citation” to Word
Creating Groups and Edit Settings
Web Profile
Embed your publications/profile on other websites …see example ximo-torero
Discover research statistics