C-Dub Letters Student Notes
A few questions to ponder over…and answer on right side of notes. 1. When was the last time you wrote a letter or sent a card with a note written inside? 2. When was the last time you sent a message using a mobile device? ( , text, skype, face time, messenger) 3. In one of the above: What was the important news you just had to tell someone? 4. If you had something important to convey immediately, what means of communication would you choose to use? Explain why? In the 19 th century during the Civil War, the only way to communicate was by letter….which sometimes took weeks, or months for a person to receive the news.
Imagine that you’re a Civil War soldier…1861 answer ?’s 1. How important is it to you to receive letters from home? Explain why? 2. What kind of messages would you hope to hear about from back home? Explain 2 important family events that might happen while your away soldiering. 3. How important is it for you as a soldier to write letters home to your loved ones and family? Explain 2 important personal messages you might send in a letter home.
A few questions more to answer: 1. Did the men enlisting envision a long or short war? 2. What important choices did these men have to make in the early days of war? 3. Why did Lee reject the offer to lead Union forces? 4. Why do you think it’s important to hear from soldier boys like Sam Watkins or Elisha Hunt Rhodes? 5. If you lived during 1861 would YOU have enlisted? Explain why or why not?
C.W. Soldier Sullivan Ballou I’ll read some background now; you will mindfully follow along listen and highlight/underline/make notes in margins. Why did he write a letter to his wife during the C.W.
Next…Think about the importance of hearing from Sullivan Ballou We’ll read a letter he wrote to his wife and we’ll analyze it. Highlight/underline/make notes in margins. Reasons for fighting for the North? His personal, beautiful, heartfelt language. His faith and hopes. Imagery, personification, author paints a picture in your mind.
Answer right side of notes after reading the letter. Discuss with your N/S regiment soldiers. 1. Why was this letter important for him to send to his wife? 2. Why was this letter important for his wife to read?
What can you INFER about Sullivan Ballou from his letter? Discuss and add information from your “Blowhard” bluebellies or rebel soldiers in your regiment. Go back through the letter and find the many examples that show or illustrate these and anything else you thought worthy. –What did he feel for his country? His personal concerns about the war and other threats. –What were his feelings for his wife? –What his view of the army or army loyalty/work ethic? –Heartfelt language, faith, hopes etc. –Is the Civil War his only worry? If not, find what else he worries about.
Discuss why it is important for Sullivan Ballou or any soldier to receive and write letters at this time in the war? Discuss 2 reasons and write them right side of notes.
Finally… We’ll watch a short video (Episode #1Chapt.13) segment clip called “Honorable Manhood.” As you listen on the right side of notes, write 2 examples of strong voice.