Medicines Management Quick Quiz
1.Staff administering medicines, if not doctors or pharmacist, do not need to know about the medicines they are administering True or False?
Answer 1 False : Anyone administering medicines must have a knowledge that will allow them to question any uncertainty in the dose, frequency, route of administration and interactions
2. If you are busy it is acceptable to give the patient the medication and leave them to take it? True/false?
Answer 2 False – the administration process includes ensuring the patient has taken the medication.
3. What should you do to check you have the right patient before drug administration?
Answer 3 -Wrist band -Verbal check – name/dob but be aware of patients that are confused/ hard of hearing
4. Any drug errors/ near missed should be reported as soon as possible True or False?
Answer 4 TRUE- all errors or near misses must be reported on datix in line with organisational policy
5. When administering medicines to a patient. You should a.Tell the patient to read the patient information leaflet (PIL) inside the medicine box b.Explain what the medicine is, what it does and any potential side effects c.Tell the patient nothing as it will only confuse them d.Give the patient the address of a website where they can get information
Answer 5- B as a minimum but A and D are also good practice.
6. Common parenteral routes of drug administration include A subcutaneous (SC) B Intramuscular (IM) C intravenous (IV) D. Tablets and capsules.
Answer 6 A,B & C
7. What should you do if you are concerned that the medicine prescribed for the patient is not correct?
Answer 7: Get clarification from a registered health professional (nurse/doctor)
8. What non-administration code from the prescription chart would you enter for: a) Patient blood pressure too low for anti-hypertensive b) Cannula not in-situ c) Patient refuses to take medication d) Instructions not clear or legal
Answer 8 a) Patient blood pressure too low for anti- hypertensive M b) Cannula not in-situL c) Patient refuses to take medication A d) Instructions not clear or legalD
9. Describe the correct checking procedure for medicine administration?
Answer 9 Check patient identity, verbally and look at wristband (if an in patient) Check allergy status Check dose has not been previously given Check the prescription with the name on the medicine container. Check the prescribed dose. Check any necessary calculations. Check the expiry date of the medicine (where it exists). Check and use the correct route for administering the drug. Check the prescription is clearly and correctly written and unambiguous Check the prescription is signed by the prescriber Ensure you are aware of the therapeutic use of the medicine and any side effects or precautions
10. Describe the difference between Generic and Brand names for medicines?
Answer 10 Generic refers to the approved drug name i.e. paracetamol rather than a brand name e.g. panadol