ECE 101 An Introduction to Information Technology Information Coding
Information Path Information Display Information Processor & Transmitter Information Receiver and Processor Source of Information Digital Sensor Transmission Medium Information Storage
Information Coding Fixed Length (same # bits per word) –Error detection –Error correction –Standard codes –Bar and credit card codes Variable length (frequently used words = small number of bits) - Data compression –Huffman code –Facsimile (Fax) code Encryption
Error Detection and Correction Codes can be written that detect errors –add redundant bits in the code words that do not add information (other than the possible presence of an error) –where probability of errors is small, they detect single errors only –could just repeat (doubles the data size) plus the error would be detected but not corrected
Parity Bit Add a “parity” bit to each word –“even-parity” adds a (redundant) bit to each word to form a word that contains an even number of 1’s; similarly for “odd-parity” with an odd number of 1’s. –more efficient than bit repetition –identifies the existence of an error but does not correct it Error Correction –addition of redundancy-check code word –size of data (plus parity bit) increased by one word
Redundancy Check Information to be sent: With even parity, the above is converted to: First bits are: Odd parity bit: 1 Second bits are: Odd parity bit: 1 Odd parity bits: 1 1 Even parity bit: 0 Transmitted: Parity bits Symbol Word
Redundancy Check Error Transmitted: Received: Even parity tells us that the second symbol has an error Comparing Odd parity with the first bit in each symbol shows us that the first bit in the second symbol should be a 0 Comparing Odd parity with the second bit in each symbol shows us that everything is OK
Fixed Length Codes Same number of bits in each word Use of n bits can create 2 n different words ASCII Code –American Standard Code for Information Interchange –computer memories structured with 8 bit (one byte) words –ASCII - conventional code for representing alphanumeric symbols as bytes
Digital Watermark Vertically shifting particular lines by 1/600 of an inch and then impose the original on it and observe the shading of the output. Can shift any number of lines or use symbols to quickly create a large number of variations.
Variable Length Codes Reduce the number of bits by assigning short code words to common symbols and longer code words to less common symbols Huffman Coding Procedure –uses a code tree, consisting of nodes connected by branches that ultimately terminate in leaves –node at top is root –branches from a node are 1 or 0 –so only 2 branches from any node
Entropy Minimum average number of bits to encode a domain of probabilities H = - i=1 n P[X i ] log 2 {P[X i ]} bits/symbol, where n is number of possible outcomes, or H = 3.32 i=1 n P[X i ] log 10 {1/P[X i ]} bits/symbol
Huffman Coding Procedure –Determine the probabilities of occurrence of all possible values –List symbols in order of decreasing probability –Start at bottom of the list and assign a zero to the least probable and 1 to next least probable. –Combine the two least probable symbols into one composite symbol (sum of probabilities) –Revise list of symbols using the composite symbol in order of decreasing probability –Repeat steps until only two symbols remain and assign a 0 to less probable entry and 1 to the other(NOTE: in your textbook it’s the other way around, ie. 1 to the least probable entry, however it does not matter which protocol is used)
Huffman Coding Creates a Binary Code Tree –Nodes connected by branches with leaves –Top node – root –Two branches from each node D B C A Start Root Branches Node Leaves The Huffman coding procedure finds the optimum, uniquely decodable, variable length code associated with a set of events, given their probabilities of occurrence.
A0 B10 C110 D 111 Given the adjacent Huffman code tree, decode the following sequence: Huffman Coding D B C A Start Root Branches Node Leaves C 10 B 0A0A 0A0A 111 D 0A0A
Huffman Code Construction First list all events in descending order of probability. Pair the two events with lowest probabilities and add their probabilities..3 Event A.3 Event B.13 Event C.12 Event D.1 Event E.05 Event F.3 Event A.3 Event B.13 Event C.12 Event D.1 Event E.05 Event F 0.15
Repeat for the last pair and add 0s to the left branches and 1s to the right branches..3 Event A.3 Event B.13 Event C.12 Event D.1 Event E.05 Event F Huffman Code Construction
Data Compression Two approaches to Data Compression: Lossless compression –retains all information present in the original data –tenfold data compression is typical (WinZip or hard drive compression) –Uniquely decodable –Huffman codes are often used to compress large data files into smaller files without loosing any information.
Data Compression Lossy compression –further reduction in data by permitting some loss of information –uses close approximations to the data rather than actual data –can be 100 fold compression –can specify the perceptual quality of the result –little perceptible distortion
Huffman Fax Code To further reduce the number of bits to transmit, use the Huffman code –this involves estimating the relative frequency of occurrence of different runs of black and white –i.e. common words, short code words –code the make-up words (64m) and terminating code words (r) separately
Fax Code Errors Fax must transmit alternating black and white codes, otherwise and error is detected If errors are detected the page must be sent again Fax machines do not currently use correction codes –trade-off for faster transmission times (no redundant bits in the code words) and expense of resending a fax when errors occur
Encryption Encryption is a way to randomly scramble data so that only the intended recipient can use the information –easiest way is use an exclusive-or (XOR) gate with the data and random binary sequence as inputs; output is then sent as an encrypted message –random binary sequence can be produced using a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) –retrieved by applying the encrypted data with the same random binary sequence to and XOR gate
Encryption using PRNG Standard encryption requires a key for a number that determines the random binary sequence used to both encode and decode the data Choose the PRNG that produces the random 8 byte (byte sized patterns with the generator equation) –X n = [A X n-1 + B] mod(256) where –A is an arbitrary multiplier of X n-1 –B prevents the sequence from degenerating into a set of zeroes –to get started we need an arbitrary X 0, or seed
Transmitting the Seed Assume that A, B, N=256 for the PRNG are known by everyone Need only to transmit the seed X 0, the key –T (transmitting person) selects x privately and transmits to R (receiving person): X = [a x ] mod(N) (note that this N need not be same as the value 256 given above) –R selects y privately and transmits to T: Y = [a y ] mod(N) –T computes [Y x ] mod(N) and R computes [X y ] mod(N) which equal one another so this becomes the seed value which they now both understand but the outside world does not.
Sample Exercise (1) Four groups, 2G and 2Y (with calculators) Each group privately selects two (of the 128) ASCII symbols page of the text Arbitrarily we’ll use X n =[177X n-1 +59] mod256 To find X 1 the key now is to determine X 0. To find that, use N=11 and a=9 The two G groups select privately an odd number, g, from 3 to 9 (arbitrary choice) The two Y groups select privately an even number, y, from 2 to 10 (arbitrary choice)
Sample Exercise (2) G groups compute G = [9 g ] mod 11 and sends the result to corresponding group Y Y groups compute Y = [9 y ] mod 11 and sends the result to corresponding group G G groups compute X 0 = [Y g ] mod 11 Y groups compute X 0 = [G y ] mod 11 Each group computes X 1 =[177X 0 +59] mod256 and X 2 =[177X 1 +59] mod256 for the PRNG random binary sequence – convert to binary
Sample Exercise (3) Each group does XOR of this PRN (X 1 X 2 ) of 16 bits with the two symbols it selected. Each group sends its coded message to the other group Notice that this message is secure to people who do not know the PRN selected. Each group uses XOR with the received message and PRN to decode the message sent.