... voice for the profession Ontario Society of Professional Engineers
September 2001 advance the professional & economic interests of engineers; raise awareness of the role of professional engineers; enhance the profession’s image; and act as a strong voice on behalf of professional engineers in Ontario. OSPE mandate: Background
September 2001 “winning hearts and minds” being heard focus and perseverance the luxury to choose What is advocacy? Background
September 2001 Board General Assembly Annual Members Survey (all members) Issues Identification Organizational concept
September 2001 OSPE Board of Directors Governance Chair: Robert Goodings, P.Eng. Vice-Chair & Secretary: Clare Morris, P.Eng. Treasurer: Jennifer Moylan, P.Eng. Directors:Chris Cragg, P.Eng. Catherine Karakatsanis, P.Eng. Cindy Krenosky, P.Eng. Patrick Quinn, P.Eng. Christian Snejdar, P.Eng. Daniel Young, P.Eng.
September 2001 November 17th Minimum 76 participants Selected from sectors & geographically Action plans in response to research findings General Assembly Governance
September 2001 PEO chapters - each to select one participant (38 total) Minimum 38 from OSPE sectors Open to all members Selection process General Assembly
September 2001 Occupational/common-interest groups Initially, non-aligned Members to select primary affiliation May join other sectors too, if desired Purpose: - Identify/debate sector issues - Propose initiatives/action items What are sectors? OSPE Sectors
September 2001 Five sectors 1.Industry – manufacturing & resource 2.Technical services, information technology 3.Public sector 4. Consulting and/or construction 5. Non-aligned OSPE Sectors
September 2001 Province-wide participation 5 Regional Congresses / Chapter Leaders’ Conference OSPE & PEO dialogue on province-wide participation Each PEO Chapter to send participant to OSPE’s General Assembly Nov. 17 Member participation
September 2001 October online survey Subject: issues / “satisfaction” and “expectations” Professional opinion research firm One component of multidimensional public affairs research program Membership survey Research
September 2001 Career Centre & Coordinator PD course sponsorship (Pre-start reviews) Mobility Task Force (how OSPE can assist members) Safe Water Task Force (esp. demand-side legislation) Affinity program discussions Programs & Initiatives Recent developments
September 2001 Benevolent Fund Engineering Week Engineers are Everyday Heroes Ontario Engineering Competition Member compensation/benefit survey (2002) Program transfers Programs & Initiatives ( cont’d)
September 2001 Engineering Excellence Awards School outreach/EIR Program Women in Engineering Engineering student initiatives Still to come (further discussion reg’d) Program transfers
September 2001 Multi-faceted approach to communications Steadily enhancing web site New forums popular New-look newsletter (Sept.) Intermittent mass s Gradual move to e-communications Communications
September 2001 Tremendous opportunity for Ontario P.Engs. To build awareness & visibility No reason to take a back seat OSPE a tool to make things happen Conclusion OSPE