Introduction to English Reading and Writing
Syllabus 第一週: Back to school- Preparing for a Global Society (from Underachieving Colleges)-Derek Curtis Bok
Topic 1: Women’s Status – East and West, Past and Present 第二週: Story of An Hour - Kate Chopin 第三週: Lost Lives of women-Amy Tan 第四週: The Golden Cangue-Eileen Chang (intercultural reading group) 第五週: Presentation
Topic 2: Tradition and Values 第六週: The Lottery-Shirley Jackson 第七週: The Lottery: Confinement of tradition and scapegoat 第八週: The Statue Doesn’t Look Right- Malcolm Gladwell 第九週: Mid-Term
Topic 3: Medicine, Ethics, and Life 第十週: Tuesday with Morrie –Mitch Albom 第十一週: Indian Camp/ Hills Like White Elephant-Ernest Hemingway 第十二週: “Flesh-and-Blood Decision Making” How Doctors Think
Topic Popular Culture 第十三週: Rare Jordan-Nelson George 第十四週: Is Hollywood Responsible for 911?-Robert Roten 第十五週: Reflection and discussion: do we have our own popular culture? Presentation
主題五 Negotiated Syllabus 第十六週: To Be Announced 第十七週: To Be Announced 第十八週: Final Exam
指定用書 An Introduction to Critical Reading 出版商 :Thomson Wadsworth
參考書籍 Our Underachieving Colleges: A Candid Look at How Much Students Learn and Why They Should Be Learning More 作者: Bok, Derek Curtis 出版社: Princeton Univ Press Tuesday With Morrie 作者: Albom, Mitch 出版社: Bantam Books How Doctors Think 作者 : Groopman, Jerome/ Prichard, Michael (NRT) 出版社: Ingram Pub Services Blink – The power of thinking without thinking 作者: Malcolm Gladwell 出版社: Penguin Group UK Patterns of Reflection 作者: Seyler, Dorothy U. (EDT) 出版社: Addison-Wesley Essays from Contemporary Culture 作者 : ACKLEY, KATHERINE ANNE 出版社 : HARCOURT, INC.
Assessment 期中考 25% 期末考 25% 討論區發表、個人作業、日誌、學習歷程 25% 小組報告、專案計畫 25%