Agenda: Return theme statements (partner share and compare) Thesis construction and evidence gathering (individual) Homework: Come to class on Monday with a clear thesis statement, evidence to back up thesis statement and warrants to explain evidence importance to thesis. Must be typed; copy for me and for you. Come to class with everything printed!!!!!!! I will not let you print during class. Example here and online Example
A thesis is never a question. A thesis is never a list. The thesis must advance an argument. A thesis should never be vague, combative or confrontational. Avoid being seen as moralistic and judgmental. An effective thesis has a definable, arguable claim. Say to yourself, “Perhaps what the author says is true, but I am not convinced. I want to read further to see how the author argues this claim.” A thesis should be as clear and specific as possible. Avoid overused, general terms, and abstractions.
Cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” Is not a topic; Is not a fact; Is an opinion. Takes practice. If you find a “formula” to use (see examples), make it work for you until you understand what you have to do. Once you master it, you can try other ways to write a thesis.
Has two parts. Should declare what will be argued. Should “telegraph” how you plan to argue. Could declare the particular support to be used to uphold the claim.
UNC UNC Indiana University Indiana University Northwestern Northwestern Purdue Purdue ***If these links don’t work, just Google “writing a good thesis statement” and you will find these sites. ***You must be in View Show mode to get to the links
Theme statement: Through unexpected events can come a rebirth of a personality. Basic: Through what happens to the Invisible Man, Ellison illustrates the idea that unexpected events can result in a rebirth of a personality. Plausible: Through the betrayal of Bledsoe and the unfortunate events at the paint factory, Ellison illustrates the idea that unexpected events can result in a rebirth of a personality that leads to changes in one’s mindset and sets them on a new path. Better: Through Bledsoe’s betrayal of the Narrator and the unfortunate events at the paint factory, Ellison suggests that unexpected events can result in changes to one’s personality and new perspectives about life.
Theme statement: Blind loyalty and obedience can fuel the power that corrupts innocence and disguises reality. Basic: Invisible Man’s moral guidelines show the meaning of the work as a whole which is the idea that blind loyalty and obedience can fuel the power that corrupts innocence and disguises reality. Plausible: Invisible Man’s moral guidelines, learned during his time at college, show that believing others’ ideas to be right and virtuous can be destructive to a person’s identity. Insightful: Invisible Man’s moral guidelines, forged in his youth through his blind obedience to Dr. Bledsoe and Mr. Norton, illuminate the idea that believing others’ ideas to be right and virtuous can be destructive to a person’s identity.