Fossil fuels By nathan
Fossil fuels There are 3 fossil fuels natural gas crude oil and coal.Fossil fuels are from animal remains our energy is mostly from fossil fuels.Most of our energy is from millions of years ago.
Natural gas Natural gas is from plankton when its been crushed down by pressure heat and bacteria. Natural gas has a smell so when it leaks we know. Other gases come out of Natural gas during refinery like ethane propane and butane. Natural gas creates a lot of energy Natural gas burns and its very hot.
Oil Oil is from millions of years ago when plankton got buried by sticky mud and rock bacteria then turns into a dark ooze. They pump and drill all the oil and get it out of the hard ground. It gets refined and separated the other oil like petrol and diesel refining will make tar.
Coal We dig for coal in dark mines coal is from millions of years ago. trees fell in swamps. then it turns into peat it got covered by sand in swamps then gets buried and today we dig it up.