Computer Login And Portal Access
Step One: Activation Why is this important Only way you can login to computers on campus is the best way to contact your instructor. Portal access How often should I check my ? DAILY!!! What do I need to activate my ? Student ID Number Know what year you graduated High School. How do I activate my ? Go to
Mouse over “Current Students” and Select “Student ”
Activate your Student account (Click on Aphrodite3)
Read, Review and Accept the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy! 1 2
Fill in Appropriate Information and click Submit The next page should provide you with your address. Passwords should be easily remembered!!!
Step Two Logging into the computers on campus You r full address is your username Example: Christy Mann (student)would have the address as: Use the same password you used to set up your .
Step Three: Access Take same steps as activating your , just select access student . This will open a window where you will put your address as the username and the password that you set when you activated the .
Step four: Portal What is Portal? This is where instructors place grades, discussion posts, assignments, and where you can find your online classes. Portal is where you can check your student account status, add/drop classes and many more important features that will assist you throughout your stay with ASUN!! How do I login to Portal? Go to or
Select My ASUN Portal (Either Location works!)
To access your classes, select “My Courses” and a blue hyperlink for each of your courses will appear; click on the course you want to access.
Student Name (Student ID #) Student‘s Address Student‘s Major Student’s Advisor This area provides you with an array of options To access your classes, to add/drop classes, to check your semester grades, financial accounts…select the CAMPUS CONNECT tab
Add/Drop courses is where you register for next semester Degree Audit is where you determine what courses you need and use to plan your graduation date Select Degree audit to determine what classes you are lacking to finish
Select Use Saved Plan
Select your Degree
Then select your Major
This student is not done because they lack Intro to Computers
When You close out your Degree Audit page, you will be taken back to the Academics page. Select Add/Drop Courses link
Select the semester term and the area that your required class is under. For example, if you need Concepts of Fitness to finish your degree, you would locate Fall 2014 in the first window; the Appropriate Campus in the Second Window and Physical Education in the Third window. Then select “Display Courses”. When You close out your Degree Audit page, you will be taken back to the Academics page. Select Add/Drop Courses link Remember: A Flex Term is a ½ semester-long course Remember: ALL online courses are listed under the NEWPORT campus
This is approximately what you will see… notice that Concepts of fitness is not available, however, if it were on the list above, you would simply click Add and you would be enrolled in that class. Once you have finalized your schedule, you will generate a bill and course list; print this! You can also print out a class schedule under Registration REMEMBER: You MUST FINALIZE YOUR REGISTRATION to create or update your schedule
To from Portal….select Roster (some courses have other names for this option) From here you may your instructor or other classmates – be sure to use proper “netiquette” in all forms of school communications!
***Assignment*** Print out a copy of your class schedule using Portal. Send me an through portal