Would you like an easy way to improve your grade – by 5 or even 10%....?!
Avg. Score no phone – Avg. Score phone users = 4.7 ± 1.4 % Tamir and Mitchell (Harvard) FMRI study: talking about yourself on Facebook activates the brain’s reward system, like gambling does for many people. Your students find this hard to give up. They are “high” on it! 30%70%
I think I’m a great multi-tasker. Am I? I bet the professor thinks we’re taking notes…. The Stanford study of Multi-tasking (find it on YouTube) shows that NO ONE multi-tasks without missing important information….
CU Professor Diane Sieber’s experiment: Track laptop use; note performance correlations With their permission, share this information with students so they can make their own choices AssessmentTotal students Students with laptops open (consistently) prior to test Test average, entire class Test average, laptop subset Average test score improvement, subset that stopped using open laptops in class Test # (=-12)-- Test # (=-13)+16 (av of 4 students) Test# (=-13)+11 (av of 9 students) Note that this was a pure lecture, non-clicker class.
FTEP – Using Clickers in the Classroom Canadian Study of Laptop use Students were asked to use laptops to take notes on a lecture. ½ the students – randomly assigned – were also asked to look up stuff “when you feel you can spare some time….” What do you think was the effect on grades? 5
Those sitting in view of a laptop did even worse!