Grading Transparent Clearly defined criteria for each grade No limits on how many students can get any particular grade No curve No preset or target median The only student in the course who affects your grade is you
Programming Assignments Short assignments Brief Usually due at start of next MWF class Not accepted late Graded 0–3 Lab assignments More involved Have at least a week; due at start of a Monday class Accepted late, but with penalty Graded on a 40-point scale Extra credit available Programming grade 20% short assignments 80% lab assignments
Tests Quizzes Taken online between lectures Very short Can retry each question until you get it right Exams 2 midterms (Jan 28 & Feb 18, 6:00–9:00 pm) and a final exam (Mar 12, 11:30 am–2:30 pm) Review page, review session, and crib sheet Exam you do worst on counts only 2/3 of each of the other two Test grade 5% quiz questions that you get right (should be all of them) 95% exam grade
Dartmouth Scholarship Ratings From the ORC: A means excellent mastery B means good mastery C means acceptable mastery D means deficient in mastery E means serious deficiency in mastery For each letter grade, must achieve a level of mastery in both programming and tests Total percentage determines + or – 50% programming grade 50% test grade
A To get a letter grade of A Programming grade ≥ 92% and Test grade ≥ 90% If letter grade is A If total percentage ≥ 96%, grade is A Otherwise, grade is A–
B Otherwise, to get a letter grade of B Programming grade ≥ 85% and Test grade ≥ 75% If letter grade is B If total percentage ≥ 92%, grade is B+ Otherwise, if total percentage ≥ 88%, grade is B Otherwise, grade is B–
C Otherwise, to get a letter grade of C Programming grade ≥ 80% and Test grade ≥ 60% If letter grade is C If total percentage ≥ 84%, grade is C+ Otherwise, if total percentage ≥ 80%, grade is C Otherwise, grade is C–
D and E Otherwise, to get a grade of D Programming grade ≥ 65% and Test grade ≥ 50% Otherwise, grade is E
Extra Credit Available in all lab assignments Can raise your course grade, depending on How much total extra credit you submit Your grade without extra credit By how little you missed the next higher grade Counted separately from basic grade Do the basic part first <