Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) SIEMENS “V” MACHINE CAPABILITIES August 2010
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) About Genex Turbine Technologies Siemens “V” Machine Experience Matrix “V” Component Repair Capability “V” Combustion Parts Manufacture “V” Consumable Parts P RESENTATION O VERVIEW
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Sermatech - Aftermarket leader of Siemens “V” machine support Sermatech abandons IGT service businesses Genex Turbine Technologies - Formed by key ex- Sermatech management to provide aftermarket parts manufacturing & repair services Siemens/TurboCare talent joins Genex success story A BOUT G ENEX T URBINE
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) MACHINE / PARTV84.2V94.2V64.3V84.3V94.3Vx4.3A Compressor BladesC,R C Compressor DiaphragmsC,R CC C Gas DistributorC,R N/A Combustor Dome PlatesC,E,M,OC,RC,R,E,MC,R,OC,R,E,MN/A Burner Support Bezel RingsE, R, CE,R,C,OC,E,R,O C,R Premix SwirlersC,R------C,R,O Tile ClipsC,E,M,OC,E,Mn/a Tile Clip HoldersE------n/a Mixing Casing (Elbow)E,R------n/a Transition RingsC,E,M,OC,E,M.On/a Hot Gas CasingC,E,R,O------n/a "K" RingC,E,R,M n/a Vane Dogbone Seal RingsE,O,ME,Mn/a Heat Shield Tilesn/a C,RC,R,OC,R Turbine BladesC,R C,R,OC,R Turbine VanesC,R,OC,R R Vane Seals/ HardwareE,M Blade Locking HardwareE,M E E = REVERSE ENGINEERING C = COATING M = MANUFACTURED R = REFURBISHED O = MODIFIED “V” M ACHINE E XPERIENCE M ATRIX
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) COMPONENT REPAIR CAPABILITY Siemens “V” Machines
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) All Rows of Turbine Blades and Vanes Inspections Coating Removal Metallurgical Assessment Life Assessment Weld / Braze / Blending Repairs Alloy Rejuvenation Dimensional Restoration Coatings – Coating Upgrades Final Assembly & Verifications C OMPONENT R EPAIR C APABILITY
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Inner Casing and Mixing Casing Inspections Disassembly Coating Removal (as applicable) Metallurgical Assessment Life Assessment Weld Repairs & Dimensional Verification Material Replacements Engineering Design Upgrades Coating Upgrades C OMPONENT R EPAIR C APABILITY
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Heat Shield Tiles Inspections Metallurgical Assessment Life Assessment Major Weld Restoration Alloy Rejuvenation Dimensional Restoration Coating Upgrades C OMPONENT R EPAIR C APABILITY
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Burner Bezel Rings Inspections Metallurgical Assessment Life Assessment Weld Repairs & Dimensional Verification Complete Overlay & Re-Machine Alloy Rejuvenation Engineering Design Upgrades Coating Upgrades C OMPONENT R EPAIR C APABILITY
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) COMBUSTION PARTS MANUFACTURE Siemens “V” Machines
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Reverse Engineering Of Entire Inner Casing Completed. Reverse Engineering Of All Detail Parts Completed Manufacturing Drawings Completed Defining All Components Offering New Casing From Haynes 230 Material Inner Casing – V84.2 / V94.2 C OMBUSTION P ARTS M ANUFACTURE
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Bezel Rings Dome Plates Mixing Chambers Inner Casing Transition Rings C OMBUSTION P ARTS M ANUFACTURE Inner Casing Aft Vane Seals Inner Casing K-Rings Clamp Rings Tile Clips
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) C OMBUSTION P ARTS M ANUFACTURE Tile Clips And Assembly Hardware
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) CONSUMABLE PARTS MANUFACTURE Siemens “V” Machines
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) C ONSUMABLE P ARTS M ANUFACTURE Supply Of B3/B5 Consumable Parts Vane Seals, Locking Hardware, Balance Weights, etc. Cross Referenced To Genex Part Numbers Significant Savings To OEM Products Covering All Models Of “V” Machines
Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies LLC 135 Sheldon Road Manchester, Connecticut / USA P: +1 (860) / F: +1 (860) Genex Turbine Technologies can provide attractive parts options, repair options and technical support for your fleet of “V” machines. We Look Forward To Working With You In The Future!!