INTASC 1 “Making Content Meaningful”, refers to the teacher helping the students make a connection to the lesson which helps them become motivated to learn more about that subject. Reflection: INTASC 1 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan Numb3rs Artifact Graphic Organizer Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Quadratic Formula Artifact Quad Song Artifact Artifact DOL 1Artifact screen shot Artifact
INTASC 2 “Child Development and Learning Theory” refers to the difficult tasks that a teacher must perform in order to design instructions that benefits students to the maximum extent possible. Reflection INTASC 2 Reflection Artifact Lesson plan Parallel Artifact Student work Artifact Artifact Slope Game Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Geo Proof Artifact Student work Artifact Artifact DOL 5 Artifact
INTASC 3 “Learning Styles and Diversity,” is about integrating a multicultural perspective in instruction so that in a diverse student population each child will learn effectively. Reflection INTASC 3 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan Discriminate Artifact Video Artifact Artifact Worksheet Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Geo Distance Artifact DOL 4 Artifact
INTASC 4 “Multiple Instructional Strategies” is using instructional strategies to create an engaging environment where the students feel comfortable to ask questions, develop a deep understanding of important concepts and feel challenged without being brought to the frustration level. Reflection INTASC 4 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan VolumeArtifact Pictures of activity Artifact Artifact Student work Artifact Lesson Plan surface area Artifact
INTASC 5 “Classroom Motivation and Management Skills” is about understand what motivates students and drives their behavior. The teacher must be aware of the tools available in order to create a positive learning environment. Reflection INTASC 5 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan InequalitiesArtifact Picture Students Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Triangle MidArtifact Picture Students Artifact Artifact DOL 3 Artifact
INTASC 6 “Communication Skills” is about communication in the classroom using verbal, non-verbal, technology and media to reach and inspire the students. Reflection INTASC 6Artifact Feedback ReflectionArtifact Artifact Lesson Plan Apply TheoremArtifact Picture GSP Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan ProofsArtifact Picture St work Artifact Artifact DOL 2Artifact Screen Shot Artifact
INTASC 7 “Instructional Planning Skills” is about planning using the national and state standards, curriculum, content, knowledge of students and their community. Reflection INTASC 7 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan Intro to Quadratic Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Using the Quad formula Artifact
INTASC 8 “Assessment of Student Learning” is about using a greater variety of assessments that help ensure an accurate diagnosis of student progress, and a teacher must review and use the information to modify instruction when necessary. Reflection INTASC 8 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan Max and Min Artifact Student work Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Line of best fitArtifact Student Work Artifact
INTASC 9 “Professional Commitment and Responsibility” is about reflection and continually seeking out new sources of information to revise practices and have a positive impact on student achievement. Reflection INTASC 9 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan Intro ProofArtifact Feedback Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Quad FormulaArtifact Feedback Artifact Artifact Feedback Artifact
INTASC 10 “Partnerships” is about collaboration. Reflection INTASC 10 Reflection Artifact Lesson Plan Size changeArtifact Screen Shot Artifact Artifact Lesson Plan Line of best fit Artifact Student work Artifact