1ST FACT In 1889, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson built the first motion picture camera and called it Kinetograph.
2ND FACT In 1908 the first stop-animation film was produced. This film was called Humpty Dumpty Circus
3RD FACT In 1922, Walt Disney produced his first animated short film. The famous “Little Red Riding Hood” was the first animated short film.
4TH FACT In 1927 the Phonovision was created. The Phonovision was only used for practical use. It was created by Cairn and Morrison Itd. This was the earliest video format.
5TH FACT 11th May, 1843 First advertisement with a photograph made in Philadelphia.
6TH FACT In 1882 Etienne Marey in France developed a camera, shaped like a gun, that could take twelve pictures per second. on
7TH FACT In 1888, the first film was recorded.
8TH FACT In 1900 The Raise camera (travel camera) was invented.
9TH FACT On January 1, 1906, Paper film eliminates the need for glass plates.
10TH FACT In 1923 Warner Bros. was established.
11TH FACT In 1925 The first inflight movie, a black & white, silent film called The Lost World, is shown. on
12TH FACT In 1937, Disney released their first featured film called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
13TH FACT The Sony EV Format CLP-1B was invented in This was used a lot in education and industry. This was the first portable video device. video-production/
14TH FACT Instead of carrying around film rolls, the first video was stored on a disc in This device was called the Capacitance Electronic Disc. video-production/
15TH FACT The VHS was a great land mark in the evolution of video production. It was just as important as the blu ray. This device was popular for tv shows and other movies. It was created in
16TH FACT In 1977 the Laser Disc (an early kind of DVD) was invented. The picture and sound were very good. video-production/
17TH FACT Sony demonstrates first consumer camcorder 11 May,
18TH FACT The digital video cassette format allowed higher quality images. Hitachi introduced this format in the 1990s. The digital video cassette format was replaced by camcorders that could record videos onto DVD-Rs.
19TH FACT In 1995, the DVD was invented. This was a quick and easy way to store footage without keeping up with a film.
20TH FACT In 2006, the Blu-Ray disc was invented. These discs hold about 25GB. They were show cased in 2000 but weren’t released until raydisc/historyofblu-raydisc.aspx