Human Body Review Integumentary- Respiratory
Muscle cellmuscle tissueOrganOrgan system Section 7- 4 Levels of Organization Go to Section: Smallest unit of an organism
Muscle cellmuscle tissueOrganOrgan system Section 7- 4 Levels of Organization Go to Section: Cells are organized into….
Muscle cellmuscle tissueOrganOrgan system Section 7- 4 Levels of Organization Go to Section: Tissues are organized into….
Muscle cellmuscle tissueOrganOrgan system Section 7- 4 Levels of Organization Go to Section: Organs are organized into….
Muscle cellmuscle tissueOrganOrgan system Section 7- 4 Levels of Organization Go to Section: Organs are organized into….
Section 35-1 Figure 35-2 Human Organ Systems Part I Function: Provides a stable internal environment and protects underlying tissues from pathogens and UV radiation, skin gets rid of waste Which Organ System?
Section 35-1 Figure 35-2 Human Organ Systems Part I Integumentary System Which Organ System?
Which Body System? Function: Supports and protects the body, stores minerals & nutrients, produces red blood cells, works with the muscular system to produce movement
Which Body System? Skeletal System
Which Body System? Function: Breaks down food into smaller nutrients that can be absorbed and used by the body
Which Body System? Digestive System
Which Body System? Organs/ Structures: Heart, blood and blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries)
Which Body System? Cardiovascular or Circulatory System
Which Body System? Organs / Structures: Biceps, triceps and tendons
Which Body System? Muscular System
Which Body System? Organs / Structures: Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and alveoli
Which Body System? Respiratory System
Which Type of Tissue? ______________ Tissue – cells pack tightly together and cover and protect underlying tissue
Which Type of Tissue? Epithelial Tissue – cells pack tightly together and cover and protect underlying tissue
3 Types of Joints Allow bones to rotate and move freely in all directions. Bones in the hands Hip or shoulder The elbow
3 Types of Joints Ball-and-socket joints Allow bones to rotate and move freely in all directions. Bones in the hands Hip or shoulder The elbow
Which Type of Tissue? ________________Tissue – contracts and relaxes for movement
Which Type of Tissue? Muscle Tissue – contracts and relaxes for movement
Skull 5 Ribs Vertebral column Metatarsals Metacarpals Phalanges 1 Scapula Humerus Radius Pelvis Ulna Carpals 2 Patella 3 4 Tarsals Phalanges Where is the Femur? WHAT NUMBER? Section 36-1 Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton
Skull 5 Ribs Vertebral column Metatarsals Metacarpals Phalanges 1 Scapula Humerus Radius Pelvis Ulna Carpals Femur Patella 3 4 Tarsals Phalanges Where is the Femur? Section 36-1 Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton
Which Type of Tissue? ________________ Tissue – joins, supports, protects, and nourishes organs
Which Type of Tissue? Connective Tissue – joins, supports, protects, and nourishes organs
3 Types of Joints allow bones to glide over one another. Bones in the hands Hip or shoulder The elbow
3 Types of Joints Gliding joints allow bones to glide over one another. Bones in the hands Hip or shoulder The elbow
Types of Joints acts like a hinge of a door and allows movement in one direction Bones in the hands Hip or shoulder The elbow
Types of Joints Hinge joints acts like a hinge of a door and allows movement in one direction Bones in the hands Hip or shoulder The elbow
Figure Opposing Muscle Pairs Section 36-2 Where is the Bicep? 1 2
Figure Opposing Muscle Pairs Section 36-2 Where is the Bicep? Bicep 2
Esophagus Esophagus?
1 Liver Liver?
Pancreas Pancreas?
Small Intestine? 9
1 2 3 Small Intestine Small Intestine? 9
Gall Bladder? 9
1 2 Gall Bladder Gall Bladder? 9
Salivary Glands? 9
Salivary Glands Salivary Glands? 9
Stomach? 9
Stomach Stomach? 9
Which Type of Tissue? ________________Ti ssue – sends electrical signals throughout the body.
Which Type of Tissue? Nervous Tissue – sends electrical signals throughout the body.
Where are the alveoli?
Where is the trachea?
Where is the larynx?
Section 35-1 Figure 35-2 Human Organ Systems Part I Organs/Structures: Skin, Hair, and Nails Which Organ System?
Section 35-1 Figure 35-2 Human Organ Systems Part I Integumentary System Which Organ System?
Which Body System? Organs / Structures: Femur, clavicle, and ribs:
Which Body System? Skeletal System
Which Body System? Function: Transport blood (which carries oxygen and food for the cells) throughout the body
Which Body System? Cardiovascular or Circulatory System
Which Body System? Function: Provides movement for the skeleton
Which Body System? Muscular System
Which Body System? Function: Takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide
Which Body System? Respiratory System
Which Organ? Mixes, squeezes and adds digestive enzymes to food to create chyme
Stomach Mixes, squeezes and adds digestive enzymes to food to create chyme
Which Organ? Place in the digestive system that is the major site of chemical digestion; where nutrients leave the digestive system and enter the circulatory system.
Small Intestine Place in the digestive system that is the major site of chemical digestion; where nutrients leave the digestive system and enter the circulatory system.
Which Organ? Absorbs water from undigested material to compact wastes into feces
Large Intestines Absorbs water from undigested material to compact wastes into feces
Which Organ? Contracts and relaxes to provide movement for the arm
Bicep & Tricep Contracts and relaxes to provide movement for the arm
Which Organ? Is the longest bone in the body. Creates red blood cells, stores minerals and fats, works with the muscular system to provide movement, and provides protection and support
Femur Is the longest bone in the body. Creates red blood cells, stores minerals and fats, works with the muscular system to provide movement, and provides protection and support
Which Organ? Protect the lungs and the heart, provide support, produce red blood cells; store minerals and fats
Ribs Protect the lungs and the heart, provide support, produce red blood cells; store minerals and fats
Which Organ? Protects underlying tissues from the sun’s UV radiation, regulates body temperature, gets rid of wastes
Skin Protects underlying tissues from the sun’s UV radiation, regulates body temperature, gets rid of wastes