High School and Beyond.... your journey continues. Edmonds-Woodway High School – “Building better Warriors, one student at a time.”
EWHS Counseling Staff.. Who is here to help you? Vicki Clark A-Cl Angelia Nivens Cm-Hn Brad Serka Ho-Me Paul Sevig Mg-Sg Valaree VanderMolen Sh-Z Jennifer Orhuozee- Grad. Specialist/Intern Jennifer Luce DHH Shana Lipscomb - College and Career Center Spec.
How do I leave here with a diploma? Minimum Graduation Requirements Subject Credits College The Arts 1 1 English 4 4 Social Studies Math 3 4 Science Physical Education 1.5 Health.5 Career-Technical 1.5 Personal Finance.5 Electives 4.5 Foreign Language Total Credits 22!!!!! State testing Requirements in ELA, MATH, and currently science (Full IB Diploma candidates must meet the IB Diploma requirements.) Who, me?
Credit deficient or haven't passed a state test to move on Some credit retrieval options include: Summer School (1.0 credit) Online/Correspondence Courses Running Start 7 th Period Credit Retrieval (TBD) State Tests State tests are only offered at certain times of the year The Edmonds School District offers up to 1.5 credit for passing state exams if a student failed an equivalent course as determined by the school board
So that's how you get a diploma, but what kinds of classes or programs can you access along the way? International Baccalaureate Program Sno-Isle Skills Center Intradistrict Classes Running Start
EWHS International Baccalaureate Program A rigorous, global pre-university curriculum for students who wish to study at the level of the first two years of university Designed for the highly motivated student seeking a higher challenge Instills a sense of accomplishment in meeting the challenge of an international standard of excellence Honors in 9th and 10th grades, IB classes in 11th and 12th grades (any EWHS student can take these) On your registration form: if you are planning on registering for the Full Diploma option please make sure you select the FULL IB registration form and be sure to add TOK to your requests in Skyward
IB Subjects Language A1 (IB Language and Literature) Language B (Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese) Individuals & Societies (History of Americas) Mathematics (Math Studies, IB Pre-Calc, Standard Level, Higher Level) Experimental Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Marine Science or Physics) 6th Subject (IB Psychology SL/HL, IB Art History, another language or science, IB Business (SL/HL), IB Computer Science, IB Music, IB Visual Arts, IB Art Photo, IB Global Politics)
Intra-district Classes *Don't forget to fill out a Shared Student Form Automotive Technology – MDHS Broadcast Field Production – MTHS Construction – EDCC Drafting – EWHS Fire Service Tech. – LHS Healthcare Professions – MTHS If you are planning on taking one of these classes please be sure to write it on your registration form and turn in an intradistrict application to your counselor. You will not be able to select this course in Skyward and your counselor will add it for you!
Sno-Isle Skills Center - Best taken in 11 th or 12 th grade Must have good attendance and fairly on track for graduation. Some lab fees, but mostly free Near Paine Field in Everett - transportation provided Prepares students to be successful in the workforce Two sessions - 7:55 -10:25 or 11:10-1:40 - takes 4 of 6 periods Apply online now! You MUST apply early (like, today) to access this option. Please enter a full schedule on your requests in Skyward unless you have already been admitted to Sno-Isle. Your counselor will adjust your schedule later when you are admitted.
Sno-Isle Classes Aerospace Manufacturing Autobody Repair AnimationCulinary Arts Autotechnology Computers, Servers, Networking Construction Cosmetology Criminal Justice Dental Assisting Diesel Technology Electronics Engineering Technology Fashion and Merchandising Video game Design Fire Service Technology Medical and Nursing Assisting Precision Machining Veterinary Assisting Welding and Metal Fabrication
Running Start *Information Night March 22nd 11th and 12th graders Take college courses and get both high school and college credit Tuition free, pay for books and fees Designed for students who are: ready for college- level work, motivated to be independent, and seeking an academic challenge If you have not already met eligibility requirements for this program, please plan for a full schedule as a plan B
Which programs will help me get to where I want to go? Options after high school Four year university Community College Technical School Work Internship Apprenticeship Military Gap Year
College Degree Information : Earning and unemployment rates by education yrs. 9+ yrs. 6 yrs. 4 yrs. 2 yrs.
How do you get there? Tests can help you decide.. PSAT - Fall of 11th grade SAT/ACT - Spring of 11th grade and Fall of 12th grade (for 4yr. Universities) SAT II's - Spring of 11th and/or Fall of 12th (for some universities) Accuplacer or Compass - Spring of 12th grade (for community colleges)
Colleges – What/Who are they looking for? What do they have to offer me? Community colleges: 2 yr. AA degrees, open admissions, still need to apply, certificates, career training, direct transfer require the student maintain a 2.0 GPA Universities: 4 yr. BA, BS degrees, must apply Required coursework (2nd lang., math through Alg.2+, etc.) SAT/ACT GPA Personal essay Extracurricular activities, volunteerism Counselor/Teacher recommendations
Preparation for College Admission Minimum Admission Requirements for Washington State Four-Year Colleges and Universities Fine, Visual, Performing Arts - 1yr. English - 4yrs. W. Language - 2-3yrs. Math - 3yrs.+(12th grade) Science - 2-3yrs. Social Studies - 3 yrs.
College Admissions - Specific things to know! MATH - WA State Coll. - minimum - 3 math credits (Alg. 1, Geom., Alg. 2) *** Senior year must take a math-based quantitative course (Pre-Calculus, Applied Quantitative Reasoning, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics or successful completion of math through Pre-Calculus SCIENCES– 2 credits of laboratory science with one year of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (WWU requires Chemistry or Physics). Students interested in Engineering, need to take Physics!
Now let’s talk about registration! 1.Write your name on the form 2.Check Graduation Status Report for needs 3.You will need to speak with the teachers of core classes to determine the best fit courses for you. They will sign off in the far right column "Teacher sign.“ 4. When in doubt about a course, check the EWHS Curriculum Guide on our webpage under "Registration“ 5. Turn in your registration form with requests/course codes! 6. Know YOUR Skyward login, password (not your parents)
Schedule Changes, Pass/No Pass, etc. Choose courses carefully. Sections will be created and teachers assigned based on student requests on this form. Review your selections carefully now and do not request preference changes later. Schedule changes will be made for extreme academic purposes only. Honors /IB/AP Courses are a full-year commitment and the course(s) may NOT be dropped except under extreme circumstances. Seniors may take up to two elective classes per semester for P/NC. A form must be submitted by the end of the 6th week of the semester.
6.0 CREDITS4 ALTERNATES MAKE SURE TO ALSO WRITE THESE ON YOUR FORM AND TURN IN THE FORM TO THE COUNSELOR! Registration Instructions for entering requests: 1.Log onto your SKYWARD FAMILY ACCESS ACCOUNT 2.On the left-hand side of the screen click on “SCHEDULE” 3.On the top right section of the screen click on “Request courses for ” 4.In the search bar type in the code (ENG, SOC,etc.) of the class you want or search by title 5.When you see the class you want, click on the course and then “Add Course” * Be sure to add BOTH semesters if Skyward does not automatically add both for you. 1.Once you’ve entered in all of your courses (adding up to 6.0 credits), click on the “Request Alternates” tab at the top of the screen 2.Add your 4 alternates 3.You are done! You have until March 8th to make any changes – please notify your counselor of any changes you make if you’ve already turned in your Registration Form. ****If you are applying to participate in Running Start or SNO-ISLE: You will still enter a full course-load at EWHS. Once you have been officially accepted your counselor will modify your requests accordingly. Please turn in your Registration Form to your advisory teacher or counselor upon completion.
Where will your high school path take you?