Agenda Notes from —if going thru binder, each person should have a binder or copy of info…writing too small if show on LCD—perhaps just hand out Resource Manuals, but don’t review as large group—or perhaps highlight & make copies of a couple key documents? Re-do charts on slide 7-hard 2 read Where Have We Been? –Credo for Support-discuss most valued role & describe how like to be treated & then report out –Introduction –History What is PBS? Where Do We Want to Be? How Do We Get There? What is a PBS Team? –CSA Journey –Discussion of Implementing in Agency Introduce Kotter’s Leading Change Research Fidelity Scale Team Time –Establish a regular team meeting time –Assess readiness (team assessment) –Brainstorm goals –Develop goal/action steps Review Introduction Forms
Introduction to Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
Training Objectives To understand the history of PBS in Polk County To learn the core elements of PBS To understand the PBS team role in supporting the PBS mission and values To develop agency PBS teams for immersion into quarterly trainings
Where Have We Been? * * * * * We’ve been learning, we’ve learned a lot, and we’ve plowed our own road. * * * * *
How Did We Do? SUCCESSES Created a learning community through quarterly team trainings on philosophy, tools, and leadership Developed conceptual framework for the network and academy Strengthened inter-agency relationships CHALLENGES Data driven decisions at the individual, agency and system levels Developing an ongoing system that provides educational opportunities Creating a structure for network operations Developing leaders and aligning current policies and procedures with PBS philosophy and tools
What is PBS? * * * * * A philosophy and a set of tools. * * * * *
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. (Robert Byrne) How you see me… How I want to be seen…
Key Elements Positive Behavior Support should: –Indicate how staff, family, and/or the physical environment will change (not focus solely on the participant) –Be grounded on functional assessment information –Be consistent with human learning principles –Fit with the values, resources, and skills of the agency/staff responsible for implementation
Prevention Not Punishment Positive Behavior Support –Is a values based philosophy designed to prevent interfering behavior rather than punishing the individual –Marries teaching and prevention by arranging the environment to make interfering behaviors irrelevant, inefficient, and ineffective –Is empirically based to facilitate the evaluation of change efforts
Effective Behavior Support Planning Step One Step Two Step Three Step Four Gather Information Gather Information Develop a Hypothesis Develop a Hypothesis Build a Support Plan Build a Support Plan Evaluate effectiveness and modify support plan as needed Evaluate effectiveness and modify support plan as needed
Determine the Function Setting EventAntecedent Interfering Behavior Desired Behavior Alternative Behavior Consequence Desired Behavior Consequence
What is the PBS Network? * * * * * An inter-agency coalition promoting positive support to enhance the quality of life for persons with disabilities. * * * * *
–Candeo –Cass Incorporated –ChildServe –Community Support Advocates –Crest Services –Easter Seals –HOPE –Link Associates –Mainstream Living –Mosaic –Polk County Health Services –Polk County Targeted Case Management –Progress Industries –ResCare –The Homestead –Westminster House PBS Agencies Multi-agency collaboration created to learn about and implement PBS in Polk County. Member agencies include:
Mission & Values We are an inter-agency coalition promoting positive support to enhance the quality of life for persons with disabilities. We make decisions based on: –Dignity & respect –Long-term commitment –System consistency –Person-centered –Empowerment through training, support, & education –Reducing the need for right restrictions –Promoting full citizenship and the exercise of choice
Where Do We Want to Be? * * * * * Here’s the vision. * * * * *
PBS Framework Positive Behavior Support Person Centered Planning Functional Behavior Assessment Antecedent Intervention Data Driven Decision Making Community Cross Agency Training Cross Agency Consultation Buddy Agencies Fidelity Scale Critical Incident Debriefing Staff Support Plans Universal Enhancement and Recovery Realize outcomes we universally aspire to Engage in meaningful roles/life pursuits Leadership Transform the organization Embed PBS into the operations and culture
Academy & Network Structure NETWORK Join, Access, and Structure Coalition of Member Agencies For Members Additional Training ACADEMY Learn and Return For Member and Non- Members Non-Member would get an opportunity to opt into the Network after initial orientation.
How Do We Get There As A PBS Network? * * * * * We create a roadmap to chart the course. * * * * *
Strategic Plan Priorities Academy –Provide quarterly PBS team trainings –Develop PBS 101 & PBS 201 Curriculum Network –Develop network operations policies & procedures –Outcome implementation –Develop cross agency partnerships, consultation, and training Leadership –Monitor PBS strategic plan implementation –Offer leadership development opportunities
Return on Investment: the Value of PBS Individual –Reduce the need for rights restriction Decrease use of PRN medication for behavior management –Increase participant quality of life Increase participant satisfaction Increase family/guardian satisfaction Agency –Increase support staff stability Decrease workman’s compensation claims Decrease staff turnover –Develop individual support plans which prevent interfering behavior Decrease critical incidents
Return on Investment: the Value of PBS (cont.) System –Increase capacity and stability Increase adults living in Polk County Decrease residential negative disenrollments Increase residential staff involvement in educational settings –Expand participants’ roles Increase individuals working toward self- sufficiency Increase community integration
How Do We Get There As A PBS Team? * * * * * We create a roadmap and chart the course. * * * * *
PBS Teams Composition & Function –Comprised of 5-7 staff –Charged to develop and implement a plan to integrate PBS into the agency –Attend quarterly trainings to learn/re-learn skills –Share success stories and brainstorm solutions for complex situations to develop supportive relationships with other network team members Implementing PBS –The Journey… –Kotter’s Leading Change Research –Fidelity Scale
Team Time Establish a regular team meeting time Develop a short term plan –Assess team readiness/assessment –Brainstorm & Prioritize –Develop one goal area –Identify action steps –Identify metric to measure progress –Identify review schedule
Any Questions? I understand the history of PBS in Polk County I understand the core elements of PBS I understand the PBS team role in supporting the PBS mission and values I understand the purpose and structure of quarterly PBS trainings