Standard Operating Procedures Why are they needed? Where can find examples?
What is an SOP? Procedure Hazards SOPs are documented instructions used to standardize a method and communicate hazards Write SOPs for procedures, pieces of equipment, and specific chemicals (or chemical classes). SOPs contain: Procedure 1 Hazards 2 Control 3 Training Documentation 4 UMN, DEHS. Chemical SOP Common Questions
Why do we need SOPs? Consistency in training Safety standards Communicate hazards, protect people, equipment, and environment Liability Satisfy requirements OSHA, lab-specific training Valuable skill for employment UMN, DEHS. Chemical SOP Common Questions Los Angeles Times.
Where can I find SOPs? In chemistry, an SOP binder is located in Smith 139. Not publicly posted on the web for chemical security Can be viewed by anyone in the department Sharing SOPs is okay Ask the PI and LSO for permission to adapt their SOP Resources See DEHS handout “Resources for writing Chemical SOPs Fact Sheet” Prudent Practices, LCSS UC Center for Lab Safety UCI Hazardous Procedures SOPs Chem Depart Chemical Hygiene Plan UMN, DEHS. Resources for writing chemical SOPs fact sheet