Song of the Day The Eagles “Hotel California” Released in 1977
Presidential Survivor
Results for Alabama Republican Primary Rick Santorum 212, % Newt Gingrich 179, % Mitt Romney 178,601 29% Ron Paul 30,494 5% Other 13, %
Results for Mississippi Republican Primary Rick Santorum 93, % Newt Gingrich 88, % Mitt Romney 85, % Ron Paul 12, % Other 3, %
Results of Hawaii Caucus Mitt Romney 4, % Rick Santorum 2, % Ron Paul1, % Newt Gingrich 1,03411% Other00%
Mitt wins Samoa
What is Civil Disobedience?
Agree or Disagree Laws exist to protect people Equality is the same thing as fairness Obedience means doing the right thing If I didn’t believe in a law I wouldn’t follow it A government gets its power from the people
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience “refusal to obey governmental demands or commands especially as a nonviolent and usually collective means of forcing concessions from the government”
Is This Civil Disobedience? You believe that the war in Afghanistan is immoral. You stop paying your income taxes because you refuse to have your money help support it
Is This Civil Disobedience? The school administration decides to ban the possession of cell phones at school. Students decide to smuggle in cell phones and all make a phone call at the same time during first period.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You disagree with the speed limit of 55 mph on the freeway. You think it should be 75 mph, so that is what you drive. When you get pulled over you tell the police that the posted speed limit us against your beliefs so you should not receive a ticket.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You decide that the minimum drinking age of 21 is unfair. You decide that to protest this law you will rob a liquor store and encourage others to do the same.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You are a passionate environmentalist that believes the government is not doing enough to encourage cycle commuting and mass transit. You organize a group of people to lay down in the middle of the street and block traffic.
Is This Civil Disobedience? After your 18th birthday, you receive a notice that you must register for the draft. You are a pacifist. You refuse to register for the draft because of your anti-war beliefs.
Is This Civil Disobedience? Your state has passed a law that allows for the growth of genetically modified crops. You are opposed to this law and decide to burn fields of genetically modified crops.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You are morally opposed to abortion because you believe it destroys innocent lives. You decide to take matters into your own hands and set off an explosive device outside an abortion clinic.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You decide that to protest the massive accumulation of wealth by the very richest, you and other like minded people will take over a city park and stay there until you are forced out by the police.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You decide that $4.00 a gallon for gas is unreasonable. You show your displeasure by throwing a Molotov cocktail at a gas station.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You are cut from the school football team. You decide to protest this decision by sitting down on the fifty yard line while the football team is trying to practice.
Is This Civil Disobedience? You and some of your friends are Denver Broncos fans. You block one of the hallways at your school because you and your friends are "Tebowing"
Social Movements Group Project Fantasy Draft
Finish Chapter 18 Section 1