#GreatAllOver HISD Agenda This session will cover: 1. Why the “Your Voice” Survey Matters 2. How to Use the Survey 3. Best Practices 4. Key Dates and Additional Resources
#GreatAllOver HISD 1. Why the “Your Voice” Survey Matters
#GreatAllOver HISD The “Your Voice” survey: Provides district stakeholders a VOICE in HISD Can help principals better understand their schools’ strengths and weaknesses through the lens of stakeholder perception, empowering them to be more targeted in their school improvement plans “We have a responsibility to analyze feedback from our stakeholders, be self-critical, and work to improve our campus environments.” Why the “Your Voice” Survey Matters Superintendent Terry Grier
#GreatAllOver HISD 2. How To Use the Survey It’s About Conversations Questions to Consider
#GreatAllOver HISD This is about conversations, not judgment Set aside time to talk openly and honestly about “Your Voice” Stress importance of interpreting the results and utilizing them in School Improvement Plans If participation rates are in the bottom 25% relative to the district as a whole, the full conversation should focus on improving them. The bottom 25% is: Parent < 7%Student < 70% Teachers < 36%Administrators < 50% If participation is greater than the bottom 25%, focus on analyzing the data. With two years of data, there is a wealth of information for schools to use when looking at last year compared to this year. It’s About Conversations
#GreatAllOver HISD How to use the survey Where did you improve? Where did you decline? Why did you improve or decline? What do you need to do better? Are there resources available to you and your staff that you are not utilizing? Are there other schools doing what you would like to accomplish? As you review school reports with principals, talk about the following questions:
#GreatAllOver HISD 3. Best practices Best Practices: Bonham ES Best Practices: The Rusk School Best Practices: Wheatley HS
#GreatAllOver HISD Bonham ES Assigned a coordinator to take ownership of the survey. This person: Initiated the incentives Encouraged teacher/student participation Handled distribution Offered incentives such as Free Dress Day or class ice cream parties Communicated the importance of Your Voice in everyday announcements, parent coffee talks, notes sent to parents on deadlines Mary Ellen Fernandez, Principal Large gains in PARENT PARTICIPATION Participation %69%
#GreatAllOver HISD The Rusk School Looked at last year’s student data to improve teachers’ classroom techniques Reorganized the front office to ensure smoother check-in system Switched front office duties so an administrator is always available for parental support Leadership team meets weekly to discuss parental and student support mechanism such as: checking-in of new students classroom procedures community outreach. Eduardo Sindaco, Principal Large gains in PARENT PERCEPTION And SAFETY Safety Overall satisfaction % 96% 87%100%
#GreatAllOver HISD Wheatley HS All teachers made parent calls home - 10 per week Campus wide call to inform parents of testing and finals Teachers instructed to make personal calls home for all students in their first period class Done with fidelity, all parents received a personal call from a staff member on campus Dr. Shirley Rose, Principal (since January 30 th 2014) Available to parents whenever they arrived Parent coffee each month for parents to share their concerns Large gains in PARENT PERCEPTION Safety Overall satisfaction % 92% 38% 79%
#GreatAllOver HISD 4. Key Dates, Tips & Resources For More Information Key Dates and Timeline
#GreatAllOver HISD For More Information An informational toolkit on the “Your Voice” survey, which includes tools to communicate survey results to your community, can be found on the Principals Resources page of the district website at Toolkit will be available on September 1. for questions regarding the
#GreatAllOver HISD Key Dates and Timeline Week of Sept. 3 Individual campus reports will be made available through the School Offices September Principals meeting Sept. 15 Results go live on school websites Sept. 18 Web article and eNews article on survey results Campus Next Steps: Integrate campus-level response as part of SIP Utilize as part of school positioning Communicate to stakeholders
#GreatAllOver HISD Notes