Protection of Buddhist Culture Workshop The Third International Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak 2006 Bangkok, Thailand
Preservation of Buddhist Heritage Sites Action: UN and UNESCO to continue their good work Individual governments to take responsibility Protection of sites as world heritage Target date: Continuous
Lack of one Buddhist voice Action: Formation of umbrella organizations: Amongst Buddhist leaders Amongst Buddhist countries Target date: Before Vesak 2007
Disparity between material and mental cultures Action: Development of educational programmes e.g. those connected with temples facilities for Dharma school education. Target date: Continuous (Each country to implement)
Emergence of aggressive Buddhist /non- Buddhist groups in the name of Buddhism Action: Revitalization of the roles of the traditional sangha and the laity Target date: Sooner the better (each traditional country to implement)
Non-participation of youth in the preservation of Buddhist culture Action: Introducing Buddhist culture to the modern world in an appropriate and creative fashion Target date: Continuous (each country and organization to implement)
Lack of enthusiasm for discussions on the protection of Buddhist culture Action: Be selective in choosing conference delegates Target date: For Vesak 2007 conference (each organization to implement)