Action Items 1 November 2006
Action Items - I Assess frequency coverage at 22 GHz vs. science goals, and decide whether lower frequency should be changed—Murata, 1Dec06 Informal mission request to Europe about desired contributions—Hirax/Gurvits, 11Dec06 Form team for MoO proposal to NASA—Murphy, 1Dec06 Letters to NASA/ESA from JAXA/ISAS—Hirax, Preston, Gurvits, 31Jan07 Assess possibility of using 26 GHz downlink, plus “timing” uplink near 26 GHz—Murata/Kono + D’Addario Peng, 15Dec06 Compute tracking time availability for combinations of 3 or 4 stations, determine which ones have 75-80% coverage, and decide which ones are politically feasible—Murphy/Murata, 1Dec06
Action Items - II Generate agreed-on link budgets with common assumptions, for different tracking stations and antennas--Kono, Langston, Lopez Fernandez, 15Dec06 –To be followed by decision on 1 Gbps QPSK vs. higher order modulation to use only part of 1 GHz allocation Estimate performance of Usuda 10m antenna at 26 GHz, 38 GHz--Kono, 22Nov06 Check on availability of 1 Gb/s QPSK demodulator at JPL--Murphy, 1Dec06 Propose method to pass on data from GPS, accelerometer, momentum dumps—Murata, 30Apr07
Action Items - III If WIDAR correlator takes over all normal VLBA processing, could the VLBA correlator conceivably take on Space VLBI processing at 1 Gbit/s?—Romney, 15Dec06 Draft common tracking station/link design and specification—Murata/Kono, 31Dec06 Updated science case—Hagiwara, 30Nov06 –ARISE Executive Summary sent from Ulvestad Next meeting