Materials for today’s session Shared website – Wiki Wireless Access Open Air password: summer10
PSESD Teacher Principal Evaluation Project Regional Implementation Grants May 30, :30 am – 2:30 pm
AGENDA Welcome and Updates Identify Key Successes and Challenges Cross-District Sharing and Feedback LUNCH Team Planning Debrief and Next Steps
Group Norms and Agreements Be present Participate actively: Ask questions Share connections Listen Work together as a community Invite and welcome contributions of every member
Grant Timeline Explore and align criteria Teacher and Principal Review and select frameworks 5 Dimensions (CEL) Danielson Marzano Rubrics (From frameworks) Determine evidence Observations Plans Artifacts Reflections Student Work Other Summative Model Progression Holistic Formula Raw Score Hybrid Conditions Defined by state Preparation PD Plan Communication Tools and forms MOU Participants
Today you will have an opportunity to Learn from each other Share pilot plans and receive feedback Plan the next steps for your district
Updates Danielson and Washington’s eVAL tool Board Action in 3 areas ( proposed language from WSSDA coming) Revised criteria 4 tiers Transition plan RIG Year 2: Funds will be available Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Upcoming Professional Development Instructional Framework PD for All Evaluators of Teachers Danielson Framework Training: Bellevue SD - August ESD 105- August Evergreen SD - August Marzano Framework Training: Spokane- August Wenatchee- August ESD 113/Olympia- August Center for Educational Leadership (5D+) Framework Training: ESD 113/Olympia- August Wenatchee- August * Registration on Events Manager
Upcoming Professional Development Leadership Framework PD for All Evaluators of Principals August Dates and Locations: Everett- August 1 Olympia ESD- August 2 Registration: Colleen Future Sessions: October and May 3.75 days in each district for collaboration with Principal evaluators
New: Framework Overviews for Teachers Danielson Instructional Framework Overview June 13 (PSESD) OR June 18 (ESD 105-Yakima) Marzano Instructional Framework Overview June 13 (NEWESD-Spokane) OR June 14 (ESD 113-Olympia) OR June 15 (CTC-Wenatchee) CEL Instructional Framework Overview June 11 (CTC-Wenatchee) OR June 13 (Comfort Inn-Tumwater) * Registration on Events Manager
Preparation for Sharing Pilot Plans Discuss as a district team: What components of your plan you would like to share? (Sharing will be 15 minutes.) What questions remain that you’d like to pose to other district teams? Break your larger team into smaller teams of three.
Implementation Plan: Sharing and Questions Who will be piloting and process for determining Professional Development for ‘12-’13 Teachers Principals Leadership Team Others? Measures and Evidence for each of the 8 Criteria MOU Culture, Communication & Community Engagement HR, Legal, Fiscal Considerations
Protocol for Cross-District Sharing Presenting team shares plan, or components of plan (15 minutes) Other team members ask clarifying questions and offer feedback (10 minutes) Presenting team poses question to the group (2 minutes) Discussion about question: all (15 minutes) Presenting team summarizes discussion and identifies implications (3 minutes)
Timing Round One: 45 minutes Break: 15 minutes Switch Presenters, Round Two: 45 minutes
District Team Debrief Share feedback and ideas from cross district groups
Team Planning What are the key messages from today? What is your communication plan? What are your next steps? What support do you need?
Results ActionsBeliefsExperiences 1. Define R 2 2. Identify A 2 3. Identify B 2 4. Provide E 2 Results Pyramid
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. Dolly Parton