Brave New world By Aldous Huxley
Chapter 3 Read Aloud & graphic organizer Fanny Crowne We will be reading this chapter out loud as a class together. Student volunteers will read the different character parts and the teacher will fill the role of narrator. Volunteers are needed to read for the following parts: Mustapha Mond Henry Foster The DHC Bernard Marx Assistant Predistinator Lenina Crowne
Chapter 3 Read Aloud & graphic organizer We will be reading chapter 3 out loud together in class. This is a difficult chapter that follows multiple conversations in a non-linear fashion, i.e. the conversations jump around. As we read this chapter use the graphic organizer to follow the different conversations happening in the chapter – just bullet point important things to note about each one. On the left-hand side, write any questions you have about the chapter. ***It is recommended that you take breaks while reading this chapter to allow the students opportunities to fill in the graphic organizer or ask any of the questions they have developed.
Chapter 3 Discussion questions What is the government’s perspective on the purpose of games? How does the Director respond to the children he catches engaged in sexual play? In this society, what sort of behavior is considered “normal” and “abnormal? What does the Director tell the students about the way children were raised in the past? How do the students respond to this information? Explain the saying “History is bunk.” Consider the list of things that the Controller dismisses and suggest a reason for his inclusion of these particular examples of “bunk.” Are there any common themes among them? How does the Director describe what a home was? Why effect does his description have on the students? Use these discussion questions after reading/ debriefing chapter 3 with the students – these are only here if you finish early or want to give students something to think about post-reading.
Due Now/homework: Due Now: Turn in your graphic organizers! Homework: Read Chapter 4
Brave New world By Aldous Huxley
Activity #1 – Postman quote Response Based one what we have read so far, to what extend do you agree with Neil Postman that what Huxley feared has come true e.g. nobody wants to read books anymore, humans are more passive, truth is irrelevant, our culture is full of trivial things (social media, smart phones, etc), and the things we love are ruining us? Write a one paragraph response explaining why you agree or disagree with Postman. Remember a good paragraph is at least 8-10 sentences.
Activity #2 – Writing an Analysis An analysis serves as an examination of the events in a literary work, in which the reader attempts to discover underlying meaning and extract underlying ideas. An analysis expresses the ideas and values of the author or the characters an author has created. For example, when you look at a Sparknotes chapter summary, you have the summary (what is happening in that specific chapter) and the analysis (why those things are happening and why they are significant). It might be a good idea to go over the “What is an Analysis?” handout as a class before they begin writing as it has some step-by-step instructions for the students to use.
Example Analysis of Ch. 1 “Huxley’s Brave New World can be seen as a critique of the overenthusiastic embrace of new scientific discoveries. The first chapter reads like a list of stunning scientific achievements: human cloning, rapid maturation, and prenatal conditioning. However, the satirical tone of the chapter makes it clear that this technology-based society is not a utopia, but the exact opposite. Like George Orwell’s 1984, Brave New World depicts a dystopia: a world of anonymous and dehumanized people dominated by a government made overwhelmingly powerful by the use of technology,” (Sparknotes). Note how this example analysis is different from both a summary of a text AND the response you wrote earlier. A summary of a chapter would simply explain what is happening in the chapter and a response would be your reactions to the things happening in the chapter. The analysis above goes much deeper and explains Huxley’s tone and what message he attempts to convey with that tone.
Activity #2 – Writing an Analysis Write a one paragraph analysis of one of the chapters we have read thus far, a character, or a theme we have read about so far using the What is an Analysis? Handout to help guide you. However, you may not write about chapter one! *Remember a good paragraph is typically 8-10 sentences long!
Due Now/Homework: Due Now: Activity 1 (Postman response) and Activity 2 (analysis) Homework: Read Chapters 5-6