5/27/15 Do Now: -Take out any resources that you have for your “Hamlet” literary analysis essay. -Sit with your lit. circle groups Homework: -“Hamlet” Lit. Analysis Essay due 6/3 by 11:59pm -Outline of oral presentation due 6/1 Content Objective: Students will brainstorm the most relevant cultural context(s) and character choice(s) for their lit. circles summative assessment. Language Objective: Students will complete the brainstorming graphic organizer as a group.
Tasks at Hand: “Hamlet” - Literary Analysis Essay due 6/3. Lit. Circles -Presentation
Calendar: MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 25th 26 th “Hamlet Test” 27 th Intro research and Soliloquy Study 28 th Computer Lab 29 th Computer Lab 1 st Draft of Presentation Outline Due 2 nd Organize Presentation 3 rd Organize Presentation “Hamlet” Essay Due 4 th Group Preparation and Practice 5 th Group Presentation and Practice 8 th Presentations 9 th Presentations 10 th Presentations 11 th 12 th 15 th 16 th 8:00am
Your Task: Write a literary analysis essay based on one of the soliloquies presented in Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Choose one soliloquy. Write a multi-paragraph essay that answers the following question: How does this soliloquy characterize the speaker and influence the audience’s perception of him? Your essay should: Have a clear thesis that addresses the essay question Demonstrate an understanding of what the speaker is saying Explain the importance of what the character is saying in the context of the play as a whole Address specific literary elements and techniques throughout your analysis of the piece Have clear and appropriate organization Summative Assessment:
Task Requirements Outline of Presentation & Works Cited Page – 10 formative points DUE JUNE 1 ST – State your claim that includes three reasons – Provide evidence from your literature circle text and an informational text for each reason – Analyze the connection between these two pieces of evidence for each reason – Provide a counterclaim for TWO of your three reasons – Include a MLA Works Cited Page that lists the FOUR sources you are using for this presentation
Other Task Requirements Oral Presentation – 30 summative points DUE JUNE 8 TH Final Outline of Presentation – 70 summative points DUE JUNE 8 TH Final Reflection – 20 summative points DUE JUNE 11 TH - 12 TH
Understanding the Oral Presentation Your group will create a claim to answer the essential question, How does the cultural context of your literature circle text impact the choices characters make? by annotating for cultural contexts within your literature circle book and researching the most relevant cultural contexts. You will support the claim by analyzing the connection between evidence from your group’s literature circle text and evidence from THREE informational sources found through research. Then, as a group, you will present this information to the class in the form of an oral presentation.
How does the cultural context of a work of literature impact the choices characters make? The reasons you select for your claim statement should be based on ONE of the following options : 1. THREE cultural contexts that affect character choices 2. THREE elements of ONE cultural context that affect character choices (this is the more challenging option)
Today your group should start thinking about…. What are the most relevant/significant cultural contexts in our book? What are the most relevant/significant choices a character makes in our book? Most groups will stick to the choices one main character (the protagonist) makes, but in some texts the most significant choices might be made by more than one character.
Creating a claim based on The Catcher in the Rye: Holden (protagonist) Most relevant cultural contexts Rebellion against the role & expectation of teenagers in the 1950s Psychological disorder/ mental illness Family Influence Most significant choices Holden makes Fails out of multiple high schools Runs away to NYC & engages in risky behaviors Holden returns home/seeks professional help
Sample Claim Statement Holden’s significant life choices are impacted by his rebellion against the social culture of the 1950s, his potential psychological disorder stemming from his brother’s death, and the positive influence his nuclear family has on him.