Proyecto: Mi Familia The due date is: Day 3 Tuesday February 14 You will receive an INCOMPLETE until it is turned in. If the project is turned in after the due date points will be taken off for five days. 1. You will create a Family Tree like the example that the teacher shows you. Create your fantasy family using famous people. You can use cutouts from magazines or Google Images. You may display the project using a poster or on Powerpoint. 2. Your family tree will have the pictures of at least 10 people. 3. Write one sentence about how each “family member” is related to you or someone else on the family tree. Example: Beyonce es la esposa de mi tío.
+ + + ______ ____________ Tu nombre __________________ _______ ________ Mi familia ideal Next page vocabulary ______
Test de vocabulario father mother parents brother sister family son daughter grandfather Grandmother Wife husband el padre la madre los padres el hermano la hermana la familia el hijo la hija el abuelo la abuela la esposa el esposo