Cropland mapping in South America Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data @30 m Chandra Giri Ying Zhong 5/21/2015
Workflow Continent segmentation Cropland masking Training data selection Random Forest classification
Continent segmentation Landsat Tile 56 Landsat tiles segmentation Ecoregion segmentation Eco-regions of South America
Cropland mask Landsat Tile 56 Giri, C., & Long, J. (2014)
“Cropland” definition “All cultivated plants harvested for food, feed, and fiber, including plantation.” (Teluguntla et al. 2009) Is pasture included as a type of cropland?
“Cropland” definition Is rangeland included as a type of cropland? Google Earth photos
Training sample database Training points selection Random sample strategy Reference data Google Earth – high resolution images and photos 2009 GlobCover Time-series NDVI composite Landsat image Ground truth data – geo-wiki validation and geo-wiki competition
Training sample database Training dataset : Dataset A: Non-cropland: 129, Cropland: 54 Dataset B: Non-cropland: 44, Cropland: 41
Random Forest Classification Tool: Google Earth Engine Input bands: Landsat 5 and 7, band 2, 3, 4
Pasture Barren Result from training dataset A: Non-cropland: 129, Cropland: 54 Result from training dataset B: Non-cropland: 44, Cropland: 41 Barren Pasture
Classification results Result from training dataset A Result from training dataset B
Take-home message The same training sample dataset can have different classification performance in different eco-regions. Harvested cropland is difficult to be distinguished from barren land.
Thoughts Add temporal various images Classify at eco-region segmentation level Mosaic best
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