How did it work? Hammurabi’s Code
Scenario 1 You have accused your neighbor of running over your dog. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 2 Your house is on fire and one of the fireman steals some jewelry while he is in your house. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 3 You own a store and want to invest your money in the stock market. Your stock broker invests it for you but he makes bad investments and you lose a bunch of money. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 4 You are too lazy to fix your dam and when it breaks, the water ruins your neighbor’s crops. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 5 You go to the police and town council accuse your neighbor of killing your dog, but really you just backed over him in your car but didn’t want your family to know. The police and town council figure out that you were lying. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 6 You are a builder and one of the houses you built collapsed and kills the owner. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 7 You are a builder and one of the houses you built collapsed and killed the son of the owner. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 8 Your doctor cuts open your slave and kills him. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 9 You catch a burglar robbing your house. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 10 You lost your phone and one of your classmates shows up the next day with the same phone and you are sure it is yours. He says he bought it but he can’t prove it. What law would determine what would happen? What would happen?
Scenario 1 - Answer Law #2: Your neighbor would have to go to the river and jump in. If he sunk you could have his house, if he survived you would be killed and your neighbor would get your house.
Scenario 2 - Answer Law #25: The fireman would be thrown into a fire.
Scenario 3 - Answer Law #102: The stock broker would have to pay you back.
Scenario 4 - Answer Law #53: Your crops would be sold to pay off your neighbor’s crops.
Scenario 5 - Answer Law #3: You would be put to death.
Scenario 6 - Answer Law #229: The builder will be killed.
Scenario 7 - Answer Law #230: The builder’s son will be killed.
Scenario 8 - Answer Law #219: He will replace your slave.
Scenario 9 - Answer Law #22: He’ll be put to death.
Scenario 10 - Answer Law #10: He’ll be put to death and you’ll get back your phone.