By: BS and KM g/areas/gallery/mythol ogy/europe/greek/dem eter.gif
Greek Name: Demeter Roman Name: Ceres
Goddess of Agriculture
Emblem Poppy
Daughter of Cronus and Rhea Sister of Zeus Mother of Persephone
Demeter is best known for her fierce defense of her daughter Persephone, whose father is Zeus. While Persephone was gathering flowers she was taken by Hades, lord of the underworld. While Demeter searched the earth for her there was no grain or harvest.
When Hades surrendered her for eight months the earth provided flowers and a harvest once more. For four months she lives in the underworld and for the other half she is walking the earth, giving us spring and summer.
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Professional profile: I can work under stress, I have a positive attitude, I work well with other people, I enjoy hard work Reference: Marcy Barleyo (part of Barley and Co.), Darcy Plantia (Nursery Worker), Tian Farms (Farm worker)
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Demeter Enrich Human Resources Mother of Persephone Eleusinian Mysteries Terrific Defense of Daughter PErsephone was captured by Hates NuRturing Spirit Ceres HElped Humans Harvest Rhea is her Mother Empathize with Human Experience Sister of Zeus
Bibliography 23April ctionID=1http:// ctionID=1 myths/greek_goddess_demeter.htm EWICZ/gods.html#demeter EWICZ/gods.html#demeter