The Greek Afterlife II CLAS-E 128 Harvard Extension School Oct. 15th,2007
The Chthonic Deities Demeter (Ceres) Kore (Persephone. Proserpina) Hades (Pluto) Orpheus Dionysus Hecate Hermes (Mercury) the Erinyes or Furies (used for curses)
Persephone and Hades. Tondo of an Attic red- figured kylix, ca BC. Said to be from Vulci.
Demeter (Ceres) Central to the festival of the Chthonia Myth of Demeter and Persephone Homeric Hymn to Demeter The Eleusinian Mysteries
Orpheus and Orphism Associated with ThraceAssociated with Thrace Information from the Rhapsodies, a Hellenistic compilation of Orphica ca. 3rd c en BCEInformation from the Rhapsodies, a Hellenistic compilation of Orphica ca. 3rd c en BCE The Orphic TheogonyThe Orphic Theogony
Mosaico pavimentale romano, da Palermo. Museo archeologico regionale di Palermo, Museo archeologico regionalePalermo
Museum Christian- Byzantine, Athens
The Death of Orpheus, by Albrecht Durer
Hans Leu, Orpheus und die Tiere, 1519
Head of Orpheus by Gustave Moreau, 1865
Orfeo ed Euridice, by Federico Cervelli
Nicholas Poussin, Orphée et Eurydice
Frederic Leighton, Orpheus and Eurydice, 1864
John William Waterhouse, Nymphs finding the head of Orpheus
Engraving by Regius for Ovid Metamorphoses, Bk 10