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TEACHING WRITING How we’ve often (not) taught writing in the past …

TEACHING WRITING Read this opening from the novel “Bleak House” …                    Now write your own opening of a novel.

TEACHING WRITING Write the opening of a story about a major emergency. ‘Some people waste a lot of time and energy attempting difficult challenges, such as flying around the world in a hot-air balloon. Attempts like these are pointless, and benefit nobody.’ Write an article for your local newspaper arguing for or against this statement. KS3 tests 2000

TEACHING WRITING To be truth-full I am for the argument about wasting time and money trying to get around the world in a hot air balloon, when this time and money could be spent on working with medical difficulty or people who are homeless. I feel it is very important to face challenges, as without challenges, the world would be a very dull place. I feel that the earlier challenges appear in a person’s life, the better, as there will undoubtedly be challenges in the workplace or in home life, and so I feel that the people who have faced challenges earlier in life get a head start over people who have not. Level 4 Level 7

TEACHING WRITING You don’t teach writing merely through: Reading aloud Showing models Highlighting genre features Correcting first drafts Lots of bullet-points after the task Explore conventions Demonstrate Share composition Scaffold Independent writing Draw out key learning DEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE

TEACHING WRITING Explore conventions Demonstrate Share composition Scaffold it Independence Key learning Including ‘bad’ models Show students the process of writing Correct/change/improve Make it collaborative Move from small to larger sections

WRITING WITH POWER Narrative- based writing

TEACHING WRITING The Set-Up BUILDING SUSPENSE Write the opening of a mystery story. Set it at a funeral in a wintery churchyard. √ √ √

TEACHING WRITING Using models Before …. It was a bitterly cold day. Everyone was in black. The cars were black too. There were people standing around in a group waiting for the coffin. Crows were flying in the sky. It was really eerie. bad

TEACHING WRITING Using models After …. The undertaker's men were like crows, stiff and black, and the cars were black, lined up beside the path that led to the church; and we, we too were black, as we stood in our pathetic, awkward group waiting for them to lift out the coffin and shoulder it, and for the clergyman to arrange himself; and he was another black crow in his long cloak. And then the real crows rose suddenly from the trees and from the fields, whirled up like scraps of blackened paper from a bonfire, and circled, caw-caw- ing above our heads. Susan Hill

WRITING WITH POWER Factual writing: 8 practical hints

WRITING WITH POWER Keep it brief. Aim for one side of A4. If you must write more, provide a summary box of key points 

WRITING WITH POWER See everything from your readers’ viewpoint: what will help them to absorb your ideas as efficiently as possible? Eg bold, boxes, bullet-points, spacing, sub-headings 

WRITING WITH POWER Don’t overload your sentences. Several short sentences will do the job better than an over-long one … 

WRITING WITH POWER Seven of the 33 buildings in St James’s Square, in the heart of one of the most expensive parts of the West End, display For Sale or To Let signs. The sight of some of the capital’s most exclusive business addresses languishing empty – when not long ago they were snapped up as corporate headquarters – brings home the impact of the recession as financial controllers cut costs by letting out spare space vacated by staff who have been made redundant or exiled to less costly locations. 2 sentences

WRITING WITH POWER Seven of the 33 buildings in St James’s Square, in the heart of one of the most expensive parts of the West End, display For Sale or To Let signs. The sight of some of the capital’s most exclusive business addresses languishing empty – when not long ago they were snapped up as corporate headquarters – brings home the impact of the recession. Financial controllers cut costs by letting out spare space vacated by staff who have been made redundant or exiled to less costly locations. 3 sentences

WRITING WITH POWER Seven of the 33 buildings in St James’s Square, in the heart of one of the most expensive parts of the West End, display For Sale or To Let signs. Some of the capital’s most exclusive business addresses languish empty, when not long ago they were snapped up as corporate headquarters. This brings home the impact of the recession. Financial controllers have cut costs by letting out spare space vacated by staff who have been made redundant or exiled to less costly locations. 4 sentences

WRITING WITH POWER St James’s Square is in the heart of one of the most expensive parts of the West End. Seven of the 33 buildings in display For Sale or To Let signs. Some of the capital’s most exclusive business addresses languish empty, when not long ago they were snapped up as corporate headquarters. This brings home the impact of the recession. Financial controllers have cut costs by letting out spare space vacated by staff who have been made redundant or exiled to less costly locations. 5 sentences

WRITING WITH POWER Use short sentences at the start and end of paragraphs: they give the reader clarity … 

WRITING WITH POWER Another concern is cost. Whilst there are many external factors that can affect costs, we do have some control. We should be putting pressure on our suppliers to show greater market awareness, and to engage in a realistic dialogue with us about fair prices. At the moment there is often confusion about costs. It is important to change this.

WRITING WITH POWER Use connectives to signal the direction of your ideas …  On the other hand Despite this However Also Although Therefore In contrast In summary In addition For example Similarly

WRITING WITH POWER Firstly ….    Another strong idea is …   It could also be argued ….   A different approach is …   Finally ….  

WRITING WITH POWER Firstly ….    Another strong idea is …   It could also be argued ….   A different approach is …   Finally ….  

WRITING WITH POWER Be clear about punctuation:  Full stops to signal the end of a sentence  Commas to separate items in a list or create islands of words  Dashes – in pairs – to create emphasis  Colons: signal something to follow  Semi-colons allow you to link related ideas; they add balance to a sentence 

WRITING WITH POWER Avoid clichés (ready-made phrases) Come on stream (get under way / start) A hands-on approach (practical) The jury is still out (is not yet decided) Meet with (meet) Put in place (prepare) Take on board (accept) User-friendly (easy to use) 

WRITING WITH POWER Avoid unnecessary repetition (tautology): Absolute certainty (certainty) Added bonus (bonus) Added extra (extra) Quite distinct (distinct) End result (result) Past history (history) Really excellent (excellent) Revert back (return) 


TEACHING WRITING See things as a writer, not just a reader Explore texts actively - meddling, rewriting, editing Demonstrate the writing process yourself Relate everything to effect Talk about grammar where it helps, not as an end in itself Start with small units of writing … then build up Encourage experimentation, risk-taking, creativity Enjoy! GB’s Final Thoughts

Writing techniques (Non-fiction): Topic sentences Headlines / subheadings / puns Paragraph organisation - main point … illustration … contrast Connectives Tense Sentence functions: statement, command, question, exclamation Formality / impersonal tones Layout features Building an argument: generalisation, supporting points, statistics, facts, quotation

Writing techniques (fiction): Sentence variety for effect: simple, compound, complex* Multiple narration Plot - dialogue - description Location of the speech verb Direct / indirect speech Figurative language Descriptive detail Point of view