Egypt pre-Nasser Created by Aaron Yonke Bay Port High School Green Bay, WI
Before WWI Nominally part of O.E. but British Protectorate British and Turks make decisions for Egypt WWI provides crises – O.E. sides with Germany – GB strengthens ties to Egypt – 14 points
14 Points US Pres. Wilson post WWI plan – Idealistic and focused on Self-determination Creation of Wafd party “Egypt Delegation” 1919 – Go to Paris & argue for Egypt independence..result?
Egypt Independence (?) Feb 1922 UK grants Egypt sovereignty – King Fuad, 1923 new constitution (later revoked) Not real freedom……. – GB controls Suez Canal, GB could put troops in Egypt, GB could defend foreigners and minorities in Egypt, GB could determine status of Sudan
Egypt Independence (?) Wafd popularity up 3 groups rule Egypt (GB, King, Wafd) Muslim Brotherhood (1928) – Nationalistic and Islamic – Restore Islamic fundamentalist nation – Holy war vs. GB
Arab-Egyptian Treaty 1936 Faud dies 1936, replaced by King Farouk GB concerned w/ Hitler and Mussolini GB signs with Wafd who are in power – GB stations 20k Canal for 20 yrs – Egypt can put troops in Sudan – Egypt admitted to LoN Nationalists upset, is Egypt really free?
WWII 1940 Italy attacks Egypt Egyptians favor Germany…why? 1942 Abdin Palace Coup – GB suggests pro GB PM, Egypt govt. resists – GB forces King to approve or abdicate 1945 Egypt declares war on Ger and Japan – Nationalists upset, in theory Egypt is free…in reality controlled by GB
Conditions favorable for rise of Single Party State
Nasser Early Years Born 1918, father civil servant, mother well off – Role of family life Goal was to join military(Treaty 1936 allows) – Rejected at first, accepted 2 nd time
Free Officers Movement Nasser Captain by 1942 Movement created by frustrations that King and Govt. would not stand up to GB 6 point plan – End colonialism, end dominance of rich, end feudalism, social equality, strong army, free elections
Social/Economic Conditions Hit hard by Depression 6% owned 65% of land 77% illiterate Life expectancy 36 Very similar to Pre-Rev France Post war economy ↓, Unemployment ↑, deficit ↑
Political Post war support for full independence voiced Want for unification with Sudan Renegotiate 1936 Treaty with GB