Jenna Camponelli & Abby Shubert “The world is our campus” - Appoquinimink School District
Writing requires collaboration! So let’s collaborate “N.O.W.”
List “Noteworthy” writing lessons you’ve demonstrated or seen.
Background Thinkfinity Trackstar Social Bookmarking Class Chatter (Blogging) Wikis Tool Review “Writing Out the Day”
AGES: Agricultural-> Industrial-> Knowledge “Digital Natives” vs. “Digital Immigrants” Modern Measures of Success: Ability to acquire and apply new knowledge Know how to apply newly identified skills 21 st Century Skills--Student Readiness Four Cs Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication Collaboration
NOW! Cybergenres are a reality! Cybergenre: type of writing format created using technology including blogging, electronic journaling, texting, etc.
“We’re embracing the change and pushing it forward.” -(Fergie, 2009) Cybergenres must be taught, modeled and demonstrated in schools to set expectations for our students using technology to write everyday. - (Jenna Camponelli, DWP 2009)
Web 2.0 – HUGE Buzzword! Claimed to be the… “Second wave of the World Wide web” Not just about a specific technology, it’s about the technology moving into 2 shifts: “User-generated content” & “Cloud computing”
“User-generated content” Blogs, Wikis & Social Networking Sites – uploading personal opinion, audio, video, news, etc. User is in control “Cloud computing” “Data and applications are stored on web servers, and a user has access from any computer via a Web browser.” “Bandwidth and power caused Web 2.0!” Web 1.0 Mid 1990’s – Static Content Web – Became more interactive Web – Web & Local Apps run smoothly - Tech Web -
Verizon Thinkfinity “teaching and learning resources created by… content partners… organizations in each academic subject and literacy… easy-to- navigate K-12 resources are grade-specific and are aligned with state standards.” Lesson Plans Student Interactives 21st Century Skills
Is a technology tool that helps you create a starting point for online lessons and activities with your students! Explore Trackstar Show an example Track! _______________________________________ Examples Tracks we will view: # # Can use tracks for Webquests, Interactive (more static) Websites, Virtual Museum Tours, Educational Games
Trackstar Homepage
Enter Track # that is also given to the students. Example Track # As a teacher, you can enter your own “Keyword Search” or “Author Search.”
Collect it Online (and maybe even share it too!) Tips for Narrowing Down Resources Be Patient Advanced Search Search for Files, not pages (.ppt,.doc,.xls) Be more specific on what you are looking for beyond a lesson plan Background? Questions? Assessment? Multimedia?
Provides a safe place for teachers and students to discuss, write and share on the web. Great for 21 st century communication and collaboration! It’s free – just create a teacher account! Reviewing “Acceptable Use Policy” and creating “Classroom Blogging Rules” helps set the appropriate tone.
Collaborative Editing on the Internet through a Web Based Service Strengths: Easy Access to Web Based Collaboration Resource Development/Organization History Function--Writing Tool Archiving Easy Online Publishing Weaknesses: Dependent on those working with the technology Can be difficult to be used by younger students INDEPENDENTLY as a collaborative tool
Free and simple way to build and share webpages! Benefits! + Easy-to-use Free Nice editing tools Can upload documents, pictures, etc. Great for all grade levels! Sample Site
Often times, students transition from “learning how to read or write” in elementary school to “reading or writing to learn” in middle school and beyond. Same goes for technology in the elementary school as it transitions to middle school and beyond. In today’s world, students should be learning “how to appropriately use technology” to aid in the educational process during elementary school. Then once in middle school and beyond, the students are truly “using the technology to learn.”
Start with baby steps and expose students to more Web 1.0 tools – more static content. This will at least aid in helping them learn how to use technology and especially use it appropriately. Remember these types of activities could include… Webquests Interactive Websites Virtual Museum Tours Educational Games 3 rd, 4 th & 5 th grade – video conferencing, blogging, etc. are more appropriate
Pick “ONE” of the writing lessons or activities you have demonstrated or seen in the classroom that you now want to revise using technology.
eLearning Delaware Delaware Center for Educational Technology DWP Teacher’s Consultants Building/District Tech Coordinators ITUG Delaware Local Universities ISTE THE Journal
“Which” Web 2.0 tool(s) do you want to use to change your chosen 20th Century writing lesson into a 21 st Century mastery writing lesson? Describe your first steps towards making it happen.
Remember Plan ahead! What technology would you like to use? Who may be able to help you in the building? Make sure the tech is available. Test it head of time and if not, how do you get it? Don’t give up – it’s for the kids Reflect – What went well or not well and how do you fix it for next time?
Thinkfinity: TrackStar: Social Bookmarking: Blogs: Wikis: Google Sites: *Don’t forget, you can access all of these with the TrackStar #
Write on what I learned… Write on what I discovered… Write on what I confirmed…