Welcome! While you are waiting… Please read and enjoy the letter that your child has written to you. Please write a response letter to your child on the back of the paper. Your letter will be left on your child’s desk to be enjoyed first thing in the morning. Please sign up for a preferred conference time on the back table. Thank you!
Back to School Night Nicole Birckbichler & Katelyn Orlando Second Grade Bowne-Munro Elementary School
Specials Specials are at the end of the day Monday – Gym Tuesday- Art Wednesday- Library Thursday- Gym & Music Friday- Art/Music **Please Send in an old T-shirt for art. ** Wear sneakers on Gym days
Working Together We will be working together closely this year. Our teamwork will include the following: Planning common lessons and activities Assessing students and planning guided groups across classrooms Due to our different schedules, some lessons may vary day to day.
Spelling We will be using the Fundations program Each unit will begin with a parent letter. Please make sure to review this carefully. Homework will be sent home each week and should be returned on Friday.
Handwriting We will continue to practice printing this year. Your child will be expected to write assignments neatly focusing on proper letter formation and spacing. Skyline, Plane Line, Grass line, Worm Line Your child will receive penmanship or spelling homework each week in Fundations
Reading In Reader’s Workshop your child will explore a variety of genres this year. We will focus on: Story Elements and Comprehension Using Active Reading Strategies Effectively Fluency Vocabulary Clarification Book Talks Students will have sight word cards again this year. (300 words)
Reading Log Reading log will be sent as homework each week starting in October. Here is a sample…
Writing Instruction 2nd Grade writing instruction focuses on: –Getting Stated with Writers Workshop & Personal Narratives –Informational Writing –Realistic Fiction –Science Lab Reports –Opinion Writing –Writing Fairy Tales At the end of each unit we will publish our favorite piece to share with the class.
Math This year we will be using the updated Everyday Math Program. There are a lot of great online resources you can use at home including the Math Reference Book. Directions on how to login to the site are located in your folder. –Each student has their own login. -
Math Assessment updates Each assessment will be given over the course of two days. –Odd number units will have an open-ended response. –Even number units will review material from previous units EGs will be given only if students receive 100 on the assessment and complete additional challenge problems. No study guides will be given before assessments. Students can review Home links and math reference books to prepare for assessments.
Fast Fact Fridays Each day your child will practice their facts with a partner. On Fridays, we will take a timed assessment to see their growth. Please practice these facts at home with your child. Addition fact practice is in folder, as they move to other operations, new practice sheets will come home.
Social Studies The focus of Social Studies in 2nd Grade includes the following units of study: Our Community Our Past All About Work Our Government All About Earth Maps and Geography *Take Note: Study guides will be provided before tests are given.
Science Units of study include: Balance & Motion Solids & Liquids Life Cycles
Technology As a teaching and learning aide, 2nd Grade teachers and students will utilize the technology that we are so fortunate to have in our building. Smartboard *Powerpoints *Interactive Smartboard lessons *Extended Learning Activities Classroom Websites *Updated with classroom news * Newsflash-Sign up on Announcements page *Educational links and much more! Computer Lab – * ILA games and online everydaymath games – * Typing practice
Important Papers Folder You can expect to see your child’s Green Important Paper folder every Friday. This folder contains: Important Information from PTA Pertinent School and Classroom – Information News Items from the Community Graded Schoolwork Occasional Scholastic Orders Graded Tests Monday-Thursday, - Homework folder will come home with homework and daily mail.
Homework Folder Keep track of homework items, notes to teacher or PTA and assignments on assignment sheet Allow students to practice their – organizational skills and develop a – sense of responsibility * Take Note: Please keep the assignment sheet in the folder until the end of the week. Also, please review homework with your child. Homework should take no more than 20 minutes (excludes reading). Thank you!
Test Signatures All tests will be sent home in the Important Papers Folder with the understanding that your child will share with you the progress he/she is making at school. Please discuss each test with your child. Sign each test and return it to school the next school day to be kept in your child’s portfolio. This practice will ensure me that you are aware of your child’s growth and progress here at school. Thank you for your help in this area!
Classroom Expectations Students are expected to be respectful, responsible, do their personal best and be prepared! We have discussed that we all have the right to: Be happy and have fun! Make mistakes Teach Learn Have an opinion Be safe Ask Questions Possible Consequences *Verbal Warning from Teacher (s) * Move on Management Chart *Teacher/Student Conference *Phone call, , or letter sent home *Student/Principal Conference
Absences & Pick-up Please notify the office if you know your child will not be in school. Also- Please make us aware of any change in pick-up, including going home with another adult.
Book Orders Book orders are a wonderful, inexpensive way to build your child’s home library. We will be ordering from Scholastic. If you choose to order, please send a check, made out to Scholastic Book Clubs. Book orders will be sent home once a month. Please check due dates for the orders. You may also order online! *Did you Know?- When you order books, I earn free books for our classroom library!
Celebrating Birthdays Your child will be recognized on his/her birthday and is more than welcome to bring in something special. Birthday Treats are no longer allowed. There will be a birthday cart available for anyone who would like to purchase something for the class. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate in June. Only send invites if you have enough for every child (16 Students)
Daily Snack & Water Bottles Your child is more than welcome to bring a healthy snack and water bottle to class. Please send only healthy snacks that are quick and easy to eat. – Suggestions: – *Fresh fruit – *Packaged crackers – *Pretzels – *Raisins LABELED water bottles should be taken home each night and returned to school FILLED. Please make sure that your child’s bottle has a secure lid and contains only water. PLEASE pack snack separately.
Communication I will make every effort to keep you informed of your child’s progress here at school. Sign up for newsflash to get classroom reminders I hope you will also feel comfortable contacting me with any concerns, questions or comments. I can be reached by and phone. is probably the quickest way to reach me.
Classroom Guest I always welcome parent experts into our classroom. As you review the curriculum, you may find that you have some knowledge in a particular area. I would LOVE for you to come and share your knowledge with the class. You may contact me to make the appropriate arrangements. is always a quick and easy way to make such arrangements.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend Back to School Night. I truly love what I do and am looking forward to a fabulous year!