Without pronouns Steve said Steve needed the calculator Steve purchased if Steve was going to complete Steve’s assignment on time. With pronouns Steve said he needed the calculator he purchased if he was going to complete the assignment on time.
Pronouns are noun substitutes. subjects objects I you it we they he she who me you it us them him her whom
Types of Pronouns Nominative--Subjects--he, she, they, I, we, you, it, who (can also be a predicate noun) Objective--Objects--him, her, them, me, us, you, it, whom, (can be direct object, indirect object or object of a preposition or infinitive)
Types of Pronouns Continued Possessive --these are NOT nouns or pronouns--my, mine, our, your, yours, their, theirs, his, her, hers, whose Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession; they describe nouns, so they are adjectives. Label them as adjectives DO NOT LABEL THEM AS PRONOUNS
Identify which of following are pronouns: we, somebody, they, Mariah, me, people, I, it, car, him, dog, my we somebody they me I it him
Noun or Pronoun? pronoun noun pronoun noun pronoun Where were you? The army is large. He will be a success. I think he is cute. Too many people walked. Who called?